Hi Eddy, >Maybe a solution like the one done by Christian (and the original >script author, sorry, I can't remember his name) - send a unified diff >each time the info changes (every time the diff > 0 bytes).
I thought about that, and there's already support for diffs inside the spellchecker; I want to make sure I warn translators only when there're new strings (starting with '+') and not when something's been fixed. Anyway, yes, I'll do something about it and thanx for the tip ciao, Davide Tiscali ADSL 4 Mega Flat Naviga senza limiti a 19,95 euro al mese con 4 Megabps di velocità e 2 MESI GRATIS. In più, se sei raggiunto dalla rete Tiscali, telefoni senza pagare il canone Telecom. Scopri subito come risparmiare! http://abbonati.tiscali.it/prodotti/adsl/tc/4flat/