On 06/04/2006, at 7:10 PM, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

Err, no. We're still Debian Developers, whether we do actual development
or something else.

I think a great deal of the perception problem rests on the fact that in the FLOSS world (if not everywhere in computing) a "developer" is shorthand for "software developer". This is common usage.

So, trying to change that in one project isn't going to work very well.

I do like the idea of "contributor", because we all contribute. I still don't understand why we need to go through all the rigours of the NM process (whatever it may end up being called), simply to establish if we are sensible enough to vote responsibly.

On the upload angle, quite a few translators already have commit rights to some Debian packages. If it weren't for the unusual (among FLOSS projects) processing of most translations through the BTS in Debian, we would be uploading files constantly. Senior members of our Deb18n program, I think, decide who will be trusted to upload.

Since this already works, do you think it would be viable to extend this to deciding who can be trusted to vote?

Contributors in the different programs within Debian can apply to their co-ordinators for voting membership (or whatever the nomenclature will be), and then be recommended, given some information and advice on how to get to the stage of being recommended, or (much less likely) rejected outright.

This seems to fit with the NM process to some degree, without involving all the things that may not apply to many of us.

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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