Clytie forwarded me this announcement from the KDE l10n people but It
really should have gone to debian-i18n

Anyone in the wild with enough courage/motivation to grab the
utilities and try building a demo site targeted at Debian use?

Here, we're talking about real free software (hint hint)....this is
not exactly a full l10n portal but a more specialized statistics
tool....but that could already fit well for some Debian needs (the D-I
status page come to my mind at first).

----- Forwarded message from Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: l10n-stats project
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:42:18 +0930
To: Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.749.3)

Hi Christian :)

This popped up on kde-i18n today, and I thought you might be interested.

I've been impressed by this way of handling stats: I think it has  
more range even than the Gnome status pages, is easier to handle from  
within those pages, and gives you more information you can use.

I thought you might be interested. Only the D-I status pages,  
including the manual, are accurate in Debian (and they are excellent:  
I recommend them to other projects). The other Debian l10n status  
pages are, in practical terms, useless.

Hope this is useful. :)

from Clytie

On 05/04/2006, at 6:30 PM, Nicolas Ternisien wrote:

>Dear developers and translators,
>After nearly one year of development, the rewritten of GUI and Doc
>stats project is now finished.
>This project allow you to generate pages statistics about the
>localization status of your project.
>It has the following features :
>       - Translation status of each l10n teams (and per package for a  
>selected team)
>       - Translation per package (and per team in a selected package)
>       - Top list of most active teams
>       - Essential files statistics, to show ready-to-release translation  
>       - Partially translated status
>       - Graphs images about translation development
>       - Status of each PO and POT files (per team)
>       - Link to download directly files (if you leave public access to your
>SVN tree, through Apache or WebSVN)
>       - SVN repository support (CVS soon)
>       - Docbook status for a specifical PO file.
>The project is now called l10n-stats and reached the 2.0 version.
>The tools used by l10n-stats are :
>       - The SVN repository of your project
>       - A MySQL database
>       - PHP command line client
>       - Template engine (to help users to customize easily generated pages)
>       - JpGraph (optional)
>This project was initially developed for localization project of KDE,
>but is able to support any other project easily.
>The current web site of l10n-stats is available here :
>You can download the 2.0 release here :
>A documentation can be found here :
>And of course, the traditional demo site can be consulted here :
>It uses per default the KDE template, go to l10-stats home page to see
>screenshots with default style.
>Do not hesitate to ask me any questions you have.
>Nicolas Ternisien

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

----- End forwarded message -----


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