"Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (13/03/2006):
> On 03/13/2006 03:49 PM, Thomas Huriaux wrote:
> > "Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (13/03/2006):
> >> On 03/11/2006 05:12 AM, Christian Perrier wrote:
> [...]
> >>>The switch to po-based debconf translations ahppened shortly after the
> >>>release of woody, in September 2002. After active campaining by
> >>>translators, there is no more significant packages that still use the
> >>>old system. The very few that still do are unmaintained and crappy
> >>>stuff none cares about.
> >>>
> >>>This is why Denis proposes to abandon the above pages.
> >>
> >>    Should we report RC-bugs to these packages?  Or create a list
> >>(maybe a wiki pages) with packages that still uses old format? Maybe
> >>some packages could be removed.
> > 
> > Most of these packages already have a bug, minor or wishlist. Each time a
> > new package appears not to be using po-debconf, I fill a bug immediatly
> > (the last one is gom, #356202). I'm not sure increasing the severity of
> > these bugs is the right solution -- not having debconf translatable is
> > not critical. Reporting every maintainer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] may be a
> > better solution.
>       Hmmm, I was thinking about the very old ones, not the new ones.
> But I did not phrase it clearly, sorry. :(
>       I was thinking about list which packages could be updated to use
> po-debconf and which ones are too old and unmaintained and should be
> "hinted" for removal. Specially because all the work to move for po-debconf
> was done quite a while ago (woody times), well, in fact it was just an
> offer to help tracking the remaining packages and list them in a wiki page
> or something like that. :)

The list of packages with their bugs is the following:

anthy                           295803
asterisk-chan-misdn             330542
b2evolution                     351376
bottlerocket                    205769
cdebootstrap                    wontfix, maintainer refuses to explain why
cfal                            283633
cfalrtl                         351379
chdrv                           205793
cpml                            233100
cricket                         205814
cxml                            233104
daemontools-installer           237457
debian-edu-config               internal use
debsecan                        351380
delo                            250269
diald                           200124
dict-gcide                      207859
diffmon                         137637
discover                        351381
filterproxy                     330547
gdm                             261086
gidentd                         194259
gom                             356202
hybserv                         351383
ispell-fi                       kind of internal use
kerberos-configs                295495
libmail-bulkmail-perl           235166
libots                          233102
libroxen-imho                   286066
lowmem                          d-i
lukemftpd                       296054
masqmail                        235493
miscfiles                       kind of internal use
mkvmlinuz                       298972
nagat                           257678
ndtpd                           257679
newpki-client                   334229
nvidia-cg-toolkit               351388
prelude-nids                    351390
qmail                           351394
quake2-data                     235635
radioclk                        206835
slimserver                      351374
suck                            286065
usb-discover                    d-i
waproamd                        250275
watchdog                        351398
webcalendar                     351399
x-symbol                        198862
yada                            test template
zope-cmfplone                   internal use
zope-docfindereverywhere        351402
zope-zshell                     232437

The number of the bug give you a hint to know how badly maintained is
the package. Once again, before removal, I would mail [EMAIL PROTECTED],
waiting for the package to be orphaned if the maintainer is really MIA,
and ask to remove the package if nobody wants to take over package

If you want to create a wiki page or something to ease the work on this
list, I'm ready to help.

Thomas Huriaux

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