The spellchecker is using official Sarge tools (aspell, all the dictionaries and gnuplot); this means both aspell and the various dictionaries where "apt-get install"ed by the sysadmins of Alioth. At the moment only the languages with an aspell dictionary in stable will be spellchecked: bad for languages like "ro", good for Finnish.
Check and if f your language is among those not automatically spellchecked , you can still make good use of the files provided by the spellchecker: If you have an aspell dictionary for you language, download ${LANG}_all.txt and spellcheck it yourself this way: # This will produce the file unkn.txt containing all the unknown words with the occurrence count cat ${LANG}_all.txt | aspell list --lang=${LANG} --encoding=utf-8 | sort -f | uniq -c > unkn.txt if you have (or you prefere) ispell you can use it with the "-l" option to produce the same list of unknown words. Variable substitution is checked for all the languages listed in the spellchecker page, so you can use that information too. If you found anything wrong with the dictionary (i.e. words reported as unknown when they should not) , please use the BTS and report the bug. If anything is not clear please let me know. ciao, Davide
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