On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 01:35:40PM +0930, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> Hello everybody :)
> On behalf of the Vietnamese translation team, I would like to  
> announce that we have finished the debconf PO files, bar the contrib  
> and non-free sections.

Congrats !
> Do these remaining sections have higher priority than other Debian  
> translations which we could now start? I thought I should check that  
> first.
> In general, what are the priorities for translation after debconf? (I  
> mean, assuming translators survive that section with sanity more or  
> less intact... ;) )

My philosophy is that the one who does is the one who says. So, you're free
to translate whatever you want. I would personnaly advice to translate the
messages of the debian specific packages. Here is a list of such packages,
with some false positive.

|acheck            |100% |    30/0/0     |
|adduser           |100% |    80/0/0     |
|apt               |100% |   479/0/0     |
|apt-build         |100% |    77/0/0     |
|apt-listbugs      |90%  |    69/5/2     |
|apt-proxy         |90%  |   103/10/1    |
|apt-show-versions |100% |    43/0/0     |
|base-config       |100% |    7/0/0      |
|boot-floppies     |100% |   852/0/0     |
|cdd               |100% |    5/0/0      |
|console-common    |100% |    13/0/0     |
|ddtc              |100% |    88/0/0     |
|debarchiver       |100% |    99/0/0     |
|debconf           |100% |    76/0/0     |
|debianutils       |100% |   212/0/0     |
|deborphan         |100% |    56/0/0     |
|devscripts        |100% |   624/0/0     |
|discover1         |100% |    83/0/0     |
|dpkg              |99%  |   999/1/0     |
|foomatic-gui      |98%  |    85/0/1     |
|galternatives     |100% |    43/0/0     |
|gkdebconf         |100% |    28/0/0     |
|grep-dctrl        |100% |    72/0/0     |
|gtk-industrial-en |100% |    3/0/0      |
|happydigger       |100% |    57/0/0     |
|help2man          |100% |    28/0/0     |
|ifupdown          |100% |    2/0/0      |
|lpe               |43%  |   13/0/17     |
|menu              |100% |    42/0/0     |
|music123          |100% |    18/0/0     |
|pdmenu            |100% |    22/0/0     |
|po-debconf        |100% |    79/0/0     |
|pppconfig         |100% |   135/0/0     |
|rpncalc           |100% |    15/0/0     |
|tasksel           |100% |    2/0/0      |
|whois             |100% |    34/0/0     |
|wxwindows2.4      |96%  |  755/17/11    |
|xcall             |100% |   110/0/0     |
|xconvers          |100% |   101/0/0     |
|xdx               |100% |    64/0/0     |
|xlog              |100% |   278/0/0     |
|TOTAL (fr)        |82%  | 5981/33/1244  |

The numbers afterwards are the french statistics. It's simply that it's
easier for me to get them that way. It was generated with:
PERLLIB=lib ./dl10n-txt --debian --show=po fr

(note also that the stat jumps to 88% -- 6420/0/838 -- when assuming that
all bugs reported were applied; I can see this by adding a -a on the above
command line).

Bye, Mt.

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