On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 01:40:20PM +0930, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> Hello again :)
> I remember another translator mentioning zope on this list, when I  
> was talking about repetitive translations, and I now understand why!
> What I _don't_ understand is why we are required to translate a long  
> list of zope files, the overwhelming majority of which are either  
> completely identical (bar the title and date), or identical bar the  
> title, date and program name in the body text.
> Surely the zope maintainers could use variables to reduce this  
> photocopier-translation load?

Maybe you could report this as a wishlist bug like "zope is not translator
friendly" or so. Just make sure there is no such bug before, since you're
not the first one bumping on this.

Bye, Mt.

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