On 8/5/05, Jutta Wrage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am 02.08.2005 um 16:02 schrieb || स्वक्ष || svaksha:
> > Example :  The name विक्रम (Vikram) here has all the
> > svara (vowels)
> > matras incorrectly on the adjacent consonant. I use Ubuntu4.10 and the
> > Character map to create this word, which renders well on that dialog
> > box. However when its pasted on a text file (or this email) the result
> > is a jumble as you can see.
> Hmm... Seems to be a problem with your editor only. Your mail is sent
> as UTF-8 and whatever you wrote there does not look wrong. Looks a
> bit like the Punjabi Debian dictionary.

Hello Jutta ( Danke :-)).  Yes :-) most Indian scripts look similar
but Punjabi is very different alltogether and although I can speak and
understand, I cant read Punjabi script.

Anyway, hopefully I shall explain my problem properly this time. 
In the above example the above word < विक्रम > is written in English
as 'Vikram' but the script (Devanagari) is rendered as 'Vakiram'.

The script renders well and I can see it properly but the the vowel
markings are on the wrong consonant {the lines above, below and to the
left of the consonant are vowel markings}.  This happens only for
these two vowels ::

> I wonder, which program you did use to write the mail.

How I wrote the word ....
1] Applications>Accessories>Character Map> Devanagari .
2] then just drag the consonants and appropriate vowel markings to the
'Text to copy' field.
3]  Then cut and paste this to any document (you have to enable UTF-8
support in your software first).

I hope I explained the problem well so please bear with me.
|| स्वक्ष || svaksha

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