On 08/04/2005, at 2:15 PM, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:

i have this login on alioth: elmig-guest
:: or if its possible elmig, i hate being a guest :)

Yeah, guests don't work as hard as we do ... and they get the best food ... and everyone has to behave around them ... and they get to choose the TV channels--

Either the service improves markedly around here, or we stop being guests!


btw, if I can help in that project, please add me for Vietnamese: clytie-volunteer-translator-person-individual-entity-thingy-whatsit

from Clytie (vi-VN, team/nhÃm Gnome-vi)

Clytie Siddall--Renmark, in the Riverland of South Australia

á thÃnh phá Renmark, tái mián sÃng cáa Nam Ãc

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