On Sun, 2 Jan 2005, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
Well, I hope I described the idea behind eyecatcher well. As you might have seen visiting the project page: We are still in early stage and could need some help.
I have a certain amount of landscape images - just in case you do not want only technical.
Currently we are thinking about creating the presentation in mgp [2], since it seems to be the easiest way, to track changes and translate it.
I'm in the process of switching form MagicPoint to latex-beamer. While MagicPoint is quite fine, latex-beamer has (besides much more featureful) the big advantage that you get plain PDF output which is run by AcroRead. Just imagine you want to run your presentation on a machine you have no chance to install MagicPoint ...
BTW, we just also think about kind of common latex-beamer theme for Debian talks as well.
Kind regards
Andreas. -- http://fam-tille.de