On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 10:52:51PM +0100, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > The name is very questionable. Could you please replace it with
> > > "eo_XX" for now, and with "eo" if that ever becomes possible?

It looks like "eo" does work, what trouble do you have with it?

> > Makes sense, I'll do that in the belocs-locales-data package.
> > Do you believe that an eo_EO alias should also be provided, or do
> > you want only one eo_* locale available?
> I think the eo_EO alias would be moderately useful.
> > In order for this locale to be available, it must be added to
> > /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED.  Are these entries correct?
> >   eo_XX UTF-8
> >   eo_XX.ISO-8859-3 ISO-8859-3
> Yes. UTF-8 is definitely more popular nowadays.

The problem is that encoding of locales should never change in order
to prevent compatibility problems.  At the moment I added
eo_XX.ISO-8859-3 and eo_XX.UTF-8 into belocs-locales-data, with aliases
for eo_EO locales, but did not define eo_XX.


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