The langauge/region choices used in the new installatino system display a translated language option. But some of these options are not translated properly. The text was copied from the Woody installer, and here the text contain a 'press enter' part which is taken out of the new installer to make it possible to use a graphical chooser without having to confuse the users.
I know that the Hebrew and Icelandic texts are completely untranslated, and would also like to have the other texts checked as well. It seem to me that Catalan, Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), Croatian, Esperanto, Irish and Turkish need update. Please check the CVS version at <URL:>, and send updates to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will remove the entries without proper translations (ie the non-english entries using english text, and the entires mentioning 'enter' some time soon, so it is good if this is fixed as soon as possible.