On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 09:39:08PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 05:20:59PM +0200, Bartosz Zapalowski wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > Polish Debian Documentation Project would like to start translations of
> > po-debconf templates. Since there will be more packages using po-debconf
> > because of obsoleting old template solution, there should be some
> > central repository of po-debconf templates and translations.
> > 
> > The ideal way would be to use CVS.
> Hi,
> There is nothing we can do, maintainers are responsible for their
> packages and we cannot force them to put l19n related stuff in
> a public CVS area.

That's not the deal, I guess. We are speaking of using a CVS which would be
used to serve as coordination tool for translators, and as cooperation
easing tool for between translators and maintainers. Of course would the
"primary" location for l10n material (ie, the source location of what gets
delivered to end users without manual intervention) would be where the
maintainer wants to, separated from the CVS we are speaking about.

At least, that's my point. I naturally may have misunderstood Bartosz.

Thanks, Mt.

"2+2 = 5 ... Pour d'assez grandes valeurs de 2"

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