Hi Christian,
        for the french translation I got an offer from Samuel Desseaux

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Christian Perrier wrote:

> Fabio,
> I forgot to CC you to this answer..

don't worry :-) thanks for the forward.

> Quoting Fabio Massimo Di Nitto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >
> > Hi all guys,
> >     I hope not to be offtopic or somehow unpolite, but recently (let
> > say 20 minutes ago) we (apache's maintainers) just switched apache,
> > apache-ssl and apache-perl to use po-debconf (better late than never ;)).
> Grin.....I just copied it one hour ago on my laptop so that I may
> bring it on holidays for sending you the usual "please switch to
> po-debconf" BR....

there was a bug open already :)

> > Since we will not upload for sometime from now, we would like to invite
> > translators to provide us some feedbacks and translations. Feedbacks
> > because the transition has been done automatically and some old templates
> > have been converted and they might be outdated (for sure they lack one
> > template that has been introduced recently) and translations are in the
> > category "would be very nice to have before upload" since apache uploads
> > do not happen that often.
> If translation are outdated, thay will be marked "fuzzy" after the
> "debconf-gettexize" procedure, so don't worry : debconf will *not*
> show translations when at least one paragrph is fuzzy for one
> template. This *is* another advantage of po-debconf : translations are
> shown *only* when they are up-to-date.

Ok. I am not too familiar with the system yet, but i was more worried
becuase we added a template that needs translation even in the template.xx
files that were already there before switching.

> I'll start to work on the french translation. As I leave on sunday for
> two weeks, don't expect something before Aug. 18th. All french
> translations are proofread by debian-l10n-french contributors and
> several people there are also on holidays....

Can you kindly coordinate with Samuel?? I know he read this mailing list,
just to avoid duplicate work :-)=

> PS : what about apache2 ? Do you plan a switch for it ? I have it in
> my TODO list for the upcoming two weeks....

You can ask [EMAIL PROTECTED] since we (as apache maintainers) focus only on

Thanks a lot

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