Marcin Owsiany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I suggest the following ($lang means two-letter language code):
I have discussed this with our l10n freaks in the local lug (don't quote that). Some months ago I actually prommised to bring this subject up in debian but I never got the time (a partially lost interest i the translation part og i18n. Their suggestion (they all rpm-users in some way) was to based package localization om gettext. Im not sure I see the actual bennefits of it when we're talking translating files and not just lines of output from an ordinary program. What does the dpkg-hackers think? There is two other questions I want to raise: 1. What is the goal? Should every package description be translated or is it enough that the base system is translated and language dependend packages (like dictionaries). (I think that RedHat only ``supports'' a language if the distribution is fully translated into a language (installer and package-descriptions).) 2. What kind of infrastrucktur is the optimal? Should translations be made on package time or could thay be included in the distribution in some other way? If I had a working package and not much time to spare a translation just would have to wait if I got on through the BTS. I know translator who wouldn't like that and I really would hate to see someone make their own MyDebian just because debian developers isn't as fast including translations as they are produced. (I've seen that with Mandrake). But maybe Debian-translators are more patient? -- Peter