
>  >> I need some input from Japanese users: how can I check in a VERY SIMPLE
>  >> way if the console works with japanese characters[1]?
> Sorry, I was not clear. I meant: how can A PROGRAM check that...

Ok, you'd like to check your software outputs Japanese messages properly.
Then, install kterm (x11 section) and xfonts-cjk (x11).
kterm can always display JIS (aka ISO-2022-JP).
It can display either EUC-JP or SHIFT-JIS, adding to JIS.
This is changed by pop-up menu displayed by pushing Ctrl key and
mouse middle button.

# kterm can display ISO-8859-*, KSC5601 (Korean), and GB2312 
# (simplified Chinese) character sets besides JIS X 0201/0208/0212 
# Japanese simultaneously if these characters are encoded in 
# compliance with ISO-2022.

You should check at first kterm is properly installed by the way I
wrote in the previous mail.

Then check your software on kterm.

>  >BTW, what are you making?
> I rewrote the RIPE whois client.
> Now when querying the japanese whois server it adds the /e parameter
> by default (to query for english text) but I'd like to not add it if
> the user does understand japanese.

Sorry, I don't know what 'whois' is.
I'll forward your message to Debian JP Developers' Mailing List
and we may get more information about proper Japanese handling.


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