
Here is an attempt at German. We need to discuss some things, though.

Section = Word-By-Word: "Abschnitt"
Subsection = "Unterabschnitt"
Subsubsection = "Unterunterabschnitt", but that's not German word.

  It's extremely poor style to try to give it a name, better
use "Unterabschnitt" for every subsubsubsub...subsection below section, or,
maybe better, use "Abschnitt" for all *section. I assume subsections are
numbered in the following style anyway: section 1, subsection 2,
subsubsection 3, will be 1.2.3. Then it makes sense in German to say
"Abschnitt 1.2.3" or even "Abschnitt 1, Unterabschnitt 2.3" but anything
else is unnnatural.

In general, I think it makes sense to use those sub* names only for tags,
and refer to actual parts of the document with "section x.y.z" notation.

Paragraph = "Absatz", alternativly: Paragraph
Subparagraph  What the hell is that? That's definitely not part of any
              typographical system I know of. A paragraph is  a block of
              text. A block of texts consists of sentences, words and
              letters and interpunction. I am sure you won't find
              "Subparagraph" anywhere in the TeXBook, and definitely
              not in Docbook (I've checked).

              Please find a better name, if it is needed at all.

previous      "vorherige", "vorheriges"... I need context! Such words are
              conjugated in German (they have a sex^H^H^Hgender).

page          "Seite"

previous page: "vorherige Seite"
next page:     "nächste Seite"
previous section: "vorheriger Abschnitt"
next section:     "nächster Abschnitt"
previous subsection: "vorheriger Unterabschnitt"
next subsection: "nächster Unterabschnitt"
previous subsubsection: "vorheriger Unterabschnitt" (see above)

The Detailed Node Listing = I don't know what it is. What is it?


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