On Tue, Feb 23, 1999 at 09:46:15PM +0100, Pavel Makovec wrote:
> Martin Schulze napsal:
> >Do you know where I can find ISO 639 online?  I only have 3166.
> There is a number of unofficial web sources (Oleg gave you one)
> since ISO is a bureaucracy requiring you to buy their standards.

That's not quite correct. Some standards are availabel online
(for example DSSSL and SGML).

But these are exceptions. In general, ther _are_ official repositories of
ISO standards at least in Germany (where they also have DIN standards,
"Deutsche Industrie Norms"), where you can read the standards and, at least
here in Germany, make photocopies.

Not the same as putting them online, but still.

We have one such "Normenauslagestelle" (that's a word) in Dortmund, a city
right beneath my home city.


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