On Sep 16, Christian Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: While I was offline last week I wrote a draft that discuss all keyboard problems (except X), I'll post it ASAP (the next week, I hope).
>So I think we should stay with m4 for a while, since it's actually >working well. If the functionality of the m4 macros have stabilized, we Not really, we must find an m4 guru to resolve some minor issues. >One problem: Some German keyboards have some extra characters assign to >the keys when using the "AltGr" modifier. AFAIK, these chars do not The Italian keyboard does that too. If some German keyboards don't have that keys the admin will just reassign the altgr key to the alt or hyper modifier. >can be done! So I think it would be great if we could keep such things >variable for the different users. (I think we should write some kbd-config My draft mandates that (s/users/systems/). >script which asks some questions and generates a /etc/kbd.conf file.) I also wrote some lines about a format for embedding informations in the maps. The only think is missing (apart better macros) is the configuration program. You should ask kbd maintainer if he can improve it, otherwise we will have to find someone. >Therefore, it would be necessary to hack the readline source to check use >/etc/inputrc unless ~foo/.inputrc exists. Do we have a volunteer here that >wants to checkout the details? First ask the maintainer. -- ciao, Marco -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .