
I am currently uploading a new gnumach with Okujis fix to alpha.gnu.org. I
don't put it in the distribution, because there is something bad with a
header file, my hurd compile last night interrupted because of this.

These packages were uploaded to ERLANGEN, which is an upload queue for
master. If all goes well, they will appear in the archive about tomorrow:

* cron 3.0pl1-50

Seems to work fine. Please add the following to libexec if you want to use

if [ -x /etc/init.d/cron ] ; then
        /etc/init.d/cron start

We really need to work on something like sysvinit that starts those scripts
(I did some hacking on sysvinit in the past, maybe I'll tackle this soon)

* gs 5.10-1

Seems to work, although I didn't test much. If you want to run it on the
console, don't forget "-dNODISPLAY" or set the DISPLAY variable to display

* jade 1.2.1-4

The SGML suite. Contains sp, libsp and jade. Seems to work fine!

* jed 0.98.7-14

Hey liiwi, this is your favourite editor :)
(Seems to work, contains also xjed)

* minicom 1.82-3

I saw that Roland compiled this on his box, so I gave it a try. I don't know
how to test this, so it isn't. :)

* tetex-bin 0.9.981113-2

Okay, it's not the latest version, and it contains man pages from the
ncurses software (WHY the hell?), but the tex stuff works, and this is
important for documentation generation.

When you install groff, tetex-bin, jade and sgmltools, you shoud be able to
generate most documentation from all packages. sgml2txt seems to provoke a
perl bug though.

* wget 1.5.3-1.1

Needed for the autobuilder. Should work.

Have fun,

"The purpose of Free Software is Free Software.
The End and the Means are the same."  -- Craig Sanders

Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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