i gave all the commands in one line only.

for sending the mail to this list, i copy and paste
the text from a website. so it appears like multiline.
:) . even i received something like module loaded
ELF... after each module command..

my system is Pentium 4 1.8GHz, D845GEBV2, 256MB DDR
RAM, 128MB XFX nVidia GeForce FX AGP card,
LTR-52327S(latest Firmware) LITE-ON CD-RW. 40 GB
harddisk partitioned using Bootstar(partitioning is
perfectly done by me).i have installed some 12 OSes
using bootstar. i thought of writing my own MBR loader
for 32 OSes in Assembly Language. its coding is been
suspended temporarily.

the swap partition was created for Fedora core 3. but
i formatted with GNU/Hurd during the installation.

also, i'm using GNU/Hurd K8 mini ISO.internet is slow
for me. so i couldnt download the big images. i'm
using GRUB image downloaded from some website. is
there any copy of GRUB in the GNU/Hurd K8 mini ISO ??
is there any place to download a good copy of GRUB
image which works perfectly with GNU/Hurd..


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