On 18/02/2025 15:59, Nicolas Peugnet wrote:
On 18/02/2025 01:21, Simon Josefsson wrote:
Nicolas, you said libcap2's Go packages was used by docker-buildx.  Are
you able to test the libcap2 Go packages above with docker-buildx?  I'm
thinking that if you are also able to get something useful out of the
libcap2 Go packages, we are more likely to be on the right track.

I made a mistake, it was needed by (a test of) buildkit, not docker- buildx, but I'll take a look.
I tried to enable back this test, it compiled fine but it couldn't run, as other parts of this particular tests also required to be root. I didn't find an easy way to run this test as root.

Maybe we should find a very simple example program that uses this library?
Nicolas Peugnet

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