Hi, > I know we are using Static-Built-Using similar to the Rust Team to track > build dependencies of libraries, but it doesn't seem to be known to > lintian. Is there a proposal to add this and eliminate the warning? > > In the mean time, it is worth it to add an override to hide it? > > Even if it's not a good idea to add it to the source package, is there a > config entry that could be added locally to tell lintiant to ignore > unknown-field in the specific case of Static-Built-Using?
This is being discussed right now in two threads in parallel, and it is a recurring topic on this mailing list: https://lists.debian.org/cgi-bin/search?P=Static-Built-Using&DEFAULTOP=and&B=Gdebian-go&SORT=0&HITSPERPAGE=100&xP=static%09built%09using&xFILTERS=Gdebian-go%7E-%7E%7E4294967295 I think the best summary right now is in https://lists.debian.org/debian-go/2025/01/msg00013.html and https://lists.debian.org/debian-go/2024/12/msg00101.html Also just to summarize the related bugs: - #947630: lintian still gives E: statically-linked-binary for golang project's binary - #1050428: lintian: unknown-field Static-Built-Using: Lintian should not complain about this as dh_goland specifically asks to use this field - #1069256: debian-policy: clarify requirement for use of Static-Built-Using: Policy approved, wording just needs final polish