Hello Simon and Go Team,

I've been working on packaging a new module for Go over the last 3 days
which is a dependency for another package I am trying to update. It just
happens to be the sigstore-go module which is looks like you've already
beat me to. I'm pretty sure it wasn't there 3 days ago when I looked it
up in Apt. :-)

I did check for an ITP first, but I only looked for the name
golang-github-sigstore-sigstore-go as it has a library component, not
sigstore-go and so missed it. It seems to be largely duplicate of my own
efforts and already resolved the test suite issue with the upstream
package that I was still trying to fix. However, it does seem to differ
in the standard practices for the recommended Go Team packaging model
with the source package and repo named as if it's a program-only
package. Would it be good to rename the source package now while it's
still young or is that too problematic?

Also, thanks Simon for the work. It saves me from debugging the build
failures that was holding me back.

Loren M. Lang
IRC: penguin359

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