
I filed the estimate bug at https://github.com/Debian/dh-make-golang/issues/231

This command I had not tried before turned out very useful:

# dh-make-golang check-depends
NEW dependency github.com/charmbracelet/lipgloss
NEW dependency github.com/charmbracelet/x (golang-github-charmbracelet-x-dev)
NEW dependency github.com/charmbracelet/x (golang-github-charmbracelet-x-dev)
NEW dependency golang.org/x/term (golang-golang-x-term-dev)
RM dependency  (golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter-dev)

It might make sense to run this command in CI, and fail the job if
this command prints any output (or modify it to give an exit code
unless dependencies are clean).

Also, this tool does only look at package names, it does not seem to
compare version numbers and point out if any of the existing packages
in Debian are too old and need to be updated. Seems I need to do that
for 3 packages. That in turn leads down another rabbit hole, as
updating these libraries need to be tested for compatibility with
existing packages, and a quick rdepends test build on e.g.
shows that the new version broke every single package that depended on
it :(

Anyway, I got eventually two new dependencies packaged and three old
ones updated. With a little additional patching of Glow I finally got
it build in unstable. I will test it out from my PPA for a couple of
days and then plan how to proceed with reviews and uploads

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