Package: k3s

Hello Debian Team,

We would like to have the K3s package (a lightweight Kubernetes distribution) 
added to Debian.

For our projects, we will be using K3s for its enhanced resilience during power 
cuts as it offers features such as:

  *   High availability: If one node goes down due to power cut, the other 
nodes can take over, ensuring system remains operational
  *   Automated Recovery: Automatically restart and recover the workloads after 
a power cut, minimizes downtime
  *   Edge computing: Can be used on devices with limited resource, where we 
often face intermittent connectivity and power issues

Benefits for Debian community as it has many generic use cases:

  *   Container orchestration: Automates the deployment, scaling and management 
of containered application. On using Docker/containerd/podman with Kubernetes 
creates a robust ecosystem for testing, developing, deploying, and managing 
containerized applications, making it a popular choice for modern software 
  *   Scalability: It can be used to scale applications up or down based on 
demand, ensuring optimal resource usage. Example: a website is hosted and if it 
demands increases, it can be scaled up to have less crashes if workload 
  *   Optimized distribution of resources
  *   Enhanced security: On top of security provided by docker, k3s can add 
another layer of security by managing access controls
  *   CI/CD: CI/CD pipeline using gitlab to automate the deployment of 
application using K3s cluster

It will be a good addition to Debian, as users will most likely prefer to 
install the package from Debian APT rather than from third-party sources.

Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback.

Thanks & Regards,

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