On 3 August 2024 11:18:28 pm GMT+09:00, "Juan A. Sanchez" <m...@gozes.dev>
>On Sat Aug 3, 2024 at 2:43 AM BST, Nilesh Patra wrote:
>> You probably didn't filter it using the tracker email which we use in order
>> to not flood this mailing list with automated processing emails.
>> You can find the list of go team package bugs at:
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?maint=team%2bpkg...@tracker.debian.org
>Ok that explains why I couldn't find them
>Looking at the list there is quite a few open issue.
>That said, its not simple to pick out what will be good task to
>pick up as someone new joining the team.
>Any suggestion as to which ones will be good to look at first?
You can maybe take a look at FTBFS bugs - these are build failures and you
could try fixing those if you have some go programming skills.
>In the meantime I have already look at the go packaging guide.
>Currently looking at the git-buildpackage docs link there to familiarize
>myself with the tool to avoid making a mess.
>looking forward to get going :)
Probably even more easy to get started would be to package a go library. Take a
look at RFP bugs for the same.