Coming out of the shadow to clarify one thing on the meeting note:
On 30/07/2024 04:08, Shengjing Zhu wrote:
On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 2:38 PM Shengjing Zhu <> wrote:
Yes, it's submitted very late. But it's now accepted and the Go team
BoF is scheduled on July 29 14:30.
I added this thread to the agenda. Please add other topics to as well!
Thanks everyone who joined. It's greet to see you all in person.
I tried to record with Google meet, but unfortunately not sure what
happened, it terminated after 10 minutes. And I didn't notice it since
I was in another browser tab during the BoF. So I only got 10 minutes
record and transactions.
However thanks to @gibmat, he did a lot in writing the meeting notes,
so please see it on
The API used by the 'create-salsa-project' command is hosted at pgt-api- (
It's a little VM that I have been managing since Michael left Debian.
I wanted to host the service on DSA harwdware in order to allow team
maintenance but sadly never got the time do so.
If dh-make-golang is kept I can help migrating the service on Debian
hardware if someone want to lead that project. Otherwise I can grant SSH
access to the existing VM to any go-team member who want to help
maintain it. (It's very low maintenance TBF)
PS: Started my own company ~2.5years ago and sadly had no time at all
for Debian related activities ever since.
I have been thinking about going emeritus for months but I
still hope to find some spare time to contribute again.
Many thank everyone for you work!
⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ Aloïs Micard
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian Developer
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