On 28 July 2024 6:45:22 pm GMT+09:00, Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> wrote:
>Hi Nilesh,
>Nilesh Patra <nil...@debian.org> (2024-07-28):
>> Currently crowdsec FTBFS with new docker.io upload[1][2] blocking the
>> transition.
>I'm sorry, it looks like I might have missed some advance warning…
>> I have a patch (attached) that gets things building. Since you upload
>> this pretty regularly, would you take care of it?
>Sure thing. I meant to set up some host to check what happens beyond
>stable anyway, great opportunity.
>> If you're out of time I could do a team upload. Let me know. Thanks!
>> [1]: https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=docker.io
>> [2]: https://ci.debian.net/packages/c/crowdsec/testing/amd64/49715452/
>I suppose it's best uploaded ASAP, without waiting on anything else?
Yep, please go ahead with an upload! No need to wait for anything else.