Hi, We currently ship docker version 20.10 in Debian oldstable, stable and currently testing. This is an EOL version that I really don't think Debian trixie should be shipping with.
I've been working over the last couple of weeks (months?) on updating podman and docker to recent versions, including: docker.io -> 26.1 containerd -> 1.7 podman -> 5 All of these packages are built successfully in experimental and I have received test reports that they appear to work fine. So let's get them into unstable/testing! While doing so, I've encountered that those new versions really require updated versions of golang-grpc and protobuf. I've been looking at that set of packages last month, see the thread starting at [1]. The situation is not pretty. My takeaway is that we need to update a large number of packages at the same time, starting with src:golang-google-genproto and src:golang-google-grpc. This will unblock a number of packages that are currently in experimental, and will allow them to enter unstable. However, this comes with the risk of breaking other packages. I've been chasing down the stack of dependency fairly far, but I feel I'm reaching my capacity of how far I'm able to push this transition. I'm therefore requesting help from the Debian release and golang teams. It is simply not feasible for me to backtest that large amount of packages. I've been going through that stack all the way to podman 5.0.3, and can tell that it is feasible for us as a project. I'm asking for your expertise on what's the best way to get this project through. I'd like to have these transitions coordinated so that we can minimize the disruption for testing. Dear Release Team, please have a look at let me know what you think. When would be a good time for me (or anyone else) to start the transition? What kind of information would be useful for that decision making? For your convenience, I believe the following listing is a good starting set of packages to look at: siretart@x1:/ $ build-rdeps --distribution testing golang-google-genproto-dev Reverse Build-depends in testing/main: -------------------------------------- caddy cloudsql-proxy containerd crowdsec crowdsec-custom-bouncer crowdsec-firewall-bouncer distrobuilder docker-libkv docker.io etcd fastnetmon fever gh go-containerregistry gobgp golang-collectd golang-entgo-ent golang-github-anacrolix-dms golang-github-anacrolix-ffprobe golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo golang-github-anacrolix-tagflag golang-github-backblaze-blazer golang-github-canonical-candid golang-github-census-instrumentation-opencensus-proto golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl golang-github-containerd-errdefs golang-github-containerd-nri golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter golang-github-containers-buildah golang-github-containers-common golang-github-containers-image golang-github-containers-ocicrypt golang-github-containers-psgo golang-github-containers-storage golang-github-crc-org-crc golang-github-crowdsecurity-go-cs-bouncer golang-github-docker-leadership golang-github-expediadotcom-haystack-client-go golang-github-francoispqt-gojay golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient golang-github-go-kit-kit golang-github-gogo-status golang-github-googleapis-gax-go golang-github-googlecloudplatform-guest-logging-go golang-github-grafana-grafana-plugin-model golang-github-gravitational-trace golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-prometheus golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-opentracing golang-github-hashicorp-go-discover golang-github-hashicorp-go-getter golang-github-hashicorp-go-plugin golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud golang-github-juju-persistent-cookiejar golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp golang-github-kubernetes-cri-api golang-github-lightstep-lightstep-tracer-common golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact golang-github-micromdm-scep golang-github-mudler-docker-companion golang-github-newrelic-go-agent golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-grpc golang-github-openzipkin-zipkin-go golang-github-optiopay-kafka golang-github-samalba-dockerclient golang-github-seandolphin-bqschema golang-github-sercand-kuberesolver golang-github-sigstore-fulcio golang-github-sigstore-protobuf-specs golang-github-sigstore-sigstore golang-github-smallstep-certificates golang-github-spiffe-go-spiffe golang-github-sylabs-sif golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil golang-github-uber-jaeger-lib golang-github-viant-assertly golang-github-viant-toolbox golang-github-vulcand-oxy golang-github-vulcand-predicate golang-github-xenolf-lego golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-labkit golang-go.opencensus golang-go.uber-zap golang-go4 golang-gocloud golang-gogottrpc golang-google-api golang-google-cloud golang-google-genproto golang-google-grpc golang-opentelemetry-contrib golang-step-linkedca golang-v2ray-core google-guest-agent hugo ignition in-toto-golang incus influxdb libpod lxd mirrorbits mtail nextcloud-spreed-signaling nncp notary oci-seccomp-bpf-hook open-vm-tools opensnitch prometheus prometheus-blackbox-exporter prometheus-hacluster-exporter prometheus-mqtt-exporter prometheus-postfix-exporter prometheus-sql-exporter protobuild rclone receptor rekor restic shoelaces skeema skopeo stenographer syncthing trillian victoriametrics vip-manager vip-manager2 yggdrasil Found a total of 134 reverse build-depend(s) for golang-google-genproto-dev. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it to Busan this year. It would be amazing if these transitions could be discussed in person and a plan could be devised that would end with trixie shipping a modern version of docker and related packages. Thank you so much for your help and interest. [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-go/2024/06/msg00008.html -- regards, Reinhard