
Rekor needs a newer version of golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator:

# github.com/sigstore/rekor/cmd/rekor-cli/app
src/github.com/sigstore/rekor/cmd/rekor-cli/app/validate.go:45:16: undefined: 
src/github.com/sigstore/rekor/cmd/rekor-cli/app/validate.go:70:16: undefined: 
src/github.com/sigstore/rekor/cmd/rekor-cli/app/validate.go:92:16: undefined: 

Debian's current version of golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator is
9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 last uploaded on 2021-01-08 and the latest
upstream 11.0.1 released on 2021-05-07 has the 'IsSHA1' etc symbols.

I rebuilt the version we have in unstable including all reverse


There are two reverse dependencies that fails to build: crowdsec and

Crowdsec was discussed earlier, it fails during self-tests, and there is
a FTBFS bug report filed for it.

Receptor was recently introduced, and looking at the build log, it fails
during testing and it looks network timeout dependent.  Jérémy, maybe
you could try to increase the timeout delay even more?  I tried the job
twice in case this was spurious, but it failed both times:


Then I updated golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator to upstream's
version 11.0.1 and fixed several lintian complaints, and built reverse
dependencies for the updated package:


The crowdsec package fails again in self-tests, so presumably does not
have any API incompatibility during build.

The receptor package fails again, also in self-tests, but builds fine.

The other reverse dependencies builds fine.

The go-team pipeline passes too:


Thus I felt reasonable confident that uploading
golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator would not break anything, so I have
uploaded it to experimental.  I think it is ready to be uploaded into
unstable too, but I'm not in a hurry since several other dependencies
for rekor are stuck in experimental anyway.  I hope to upload it into
unstable eventually.  Meanwhile, if anyone would like to test it from
experimental, please do.


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