On Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 01:03:11AM +0100, Jérémy Lal wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Jérémy,

> I'd like to work on that package, however you left the repository in a
> protected state, so I just can't fix it.
> Either of those will work for me:
> - delete the repository
> - give to all other DD admin access to that project
> - unprotect branches so I can merge latest tag and force push (currently I
> can't merge upstream branch to debian/sid branch).

I'm not an admin of that project, you can ask on
debian-go@lists.debian.org for help.

I suggest you to work on a private repository until you settled with
the development flow so that you can scrap it as needed.

> Thanks,
> Jérémy


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