Hi Nilesh,

I wouldn't put any blame on you at all, rather I appreciate it a lot that you 
are willing to upload it even when you are so busy. Please take your time :)


On 21 December 2023 10:59:38 pm IST, Nilesh Patra <nil...@debian.org> wrote:
>On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 01:49:18PM +0530, weepingclown wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for this and I really appreciate it, especially considering it 
>> has been a while (~6weeks) since I've sent this RFS.
>> [...]
>> Now, I'd appreciate if there is someone who could sponsor this in the go 
>> team. That includes uploading the two dependencies of this; 
>> apenella-go-common-utils and sossedoff-vault-go.
>> Hoping to find a sponsor this time.
>@weepingclown: Maybe I am the one to blame here, sorry about this.
>Your mails did not hit my mailbox for whatever reason and I've been too
>occupied with RL to have taken a look anytime soon.
>I'll upload these when I get some breathing space. Feel free to ping me in 
>about 2
>weeks if you see no activity on this.
>@Maytham: If I happened to miss commenting on any of your RFS request that's 
>sponsored, let me know.

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