
On Wed, 25 Oct 2023 09:01:10 +0300, Ramūnas Keliuotis
<ramunas.keliuo...@nordsec.com> wrote:
> Was not sure if I'm doing this the right way. Forgive me for creating
> troubles.

dh-make-golang is the appropriate tool. Don’t worry about API instability,
it’s well understood in the Go world that v0 releases don’t provide API
guarantees, and
shows that there are plenty of v0 Go packages in Debian (even in stable).

Do bear in mind that unstable APIs can create a burden for the maintainer,
since updates may require bumps to other packages.

> I was following the `dh-make-golang` example. I am not the owner of
> this package, but it is a dependency for my primary golang program
> NordVPN.
> Was strange to me that it is an ITP request - it is for the owner or
> maintainer. Probably this should be an RFP.

If you intend to maintain the package in Debian, then an ITP is appropriate.
If you’re asking for someone else to maintain the package in Debian, then an
RFP is appropriate.

> `dh-make-golang` program example/tutorial is probably oriented for go
> package owners or maintainers.
> Here is that tutorial:
> https://people.debian.org/~stapelberg/2015/07/27/dh-make-golang.html
> I found reference to that tutorial in `go-team` packaging page:
> https://go-team.pages.debian.net/packaging.html
> Please, advise me how to proceed with packaging third party golang
> packages which are my golang program's dependencies and are not yet
> available in Debian SID.
> Some examples of my dependencies which are not in SID yet:
> github.com/esiqveland/notify v0.11.2
> github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.1.0

This one is already packaged: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/golang-dbus

> github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.0 // indirect

As others have mentioned on your ITP for that, it might not be necessary in
Debian — you need to determine which dependencies are really needed (don’t
look at go.mod or go mod graph, build the binary you’re interested in and run
"go version -m" on it).



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