This is my the first time to upload package updated for go team. So
I seek for the help to confirm the workflow is right and avoid to
cause trouble for the package.

Here is the olang-github-zyedidia-pty that I want to upgrade it and
fix #1032265[0]. Below is my workflow to update it.

1. git clone golang-github-zyedidia-pty.git
git clone g...@salsa.debian.org:go-team/packages/golang-github-zyedidia-pty.git

2. git remote add up https://github.com/zyedidia/pty

3. git fetch up

4. git checkout upstream

5. git merge v1.1.20
Auto-merging run.go
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in run.go
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
vimer@dev:~/build/rfs/packages/go/golang-github-zyedidia-pty$ git mergetool -t 
[no sure why there is a conflict here, but this can be solved]

vimer@dev:~/build/rfs/packages/go/golang-github-zyedidia-pty$ git merge 
[upstream 12fd551] Merge tag 'v1.1.20' into upstream
Then git log on upstream:
12fd55163d7d13320b15fc632b594c5ae8d8cff7 (HEAD -> upstream) Merge tag 'v1.1.20' 
into upstream
104cfcfee6cc32d158331136df47414820d7050c (tag: v1.1.20, up/master) Fix 
7abcb99d3d173a8c9b43d88d13b071b480046ac8 (tag: v1.1.19) rename go.mod import 
cefbbb7900bc935573b4b527011254fe2074c8cf Remove openbsd32 support
51717ce7a47827d6b6057b133282fcf73efe134d Support storing output
0d412c9fbeb14954aa65830dcfdb84005cd0cd96 Provide correct pty/tty file paths on 
OpenBSD (#148)
2e47437b1ffb0fa7e3d274cca1e468c6272ed349 Add some basic tests (#145)

7. git tag -a upstream/1.1.20

8. git checkout debian/sid

9. git merge upstream/1.1.20

On debian/sid
10 git log b4051ce (HEAD -> debian/sid) Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.20' into debian/sid
12fd551 (tag: upstream/1.1.20, upstream) Merge tag 'v1.1.20' into upstream
017dd82 (tag: debian/1.1.1+git20180126.3036466-4, origin/debian/sid, origin/HEAD) releasing package golang-github-zyedidia-pty version 1.1.1+git20180126.3036466-4

11 dch -v ... (and Update debian/)

The wiki [1] and [2] are my mainly reference to finish it. But some places for 
me was unclear
1. When does the tag of the upstream branch have a git commit revision?
About golang-github-zyedidia-pty, because I git merged the v1.1.20, So I think only upstream version 1.1.20 is enough. Right?

2. From [1] I can see the connector symbol between the upstream version number and git or svn is '~', but from some go packages on salsa, there
is '+' also, are both ok?

3. During freeze, do we upload it to unstable or UNRELEASED in changelog
file? or modify of this with the help of sponsor when upload it?

PS, I have tested its reverse dependency micro and 
They are all built ok with new verison *-zyedidia-tty.


[0]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1032265
[1]: https://go-team.pages.debian.net/packaging.html#_version_numbers
  Bo YU

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