On 15/02/23 00:45, Nilesh Patra wrote:
On Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 11:10:34PM +0530, Vinay wrote:
Requesting Sponsorship for the new package
golang-github-go-enry-go-oniguruma [1]
Is there a particular reason to package this?

it was dependency of [4]  and [5] was suggested to get started on debian go mentors matrix room long back.

One of the dependency was [1] as mentioned here [6]

This is is not an original package, it is a fork of rubex[2] and I also
see another fork here[3], all of these (including go-enry one) look
un-maintained, last (reasonable) commits from 3-4 years in the past.

Is this is a dependency of any other package you are working on?

I'm asking this as it become tricky in the future if another fork is
needed for something else and then we get into a bit of a mess.

[2]: https://github.com/moovweb/rubex
[3]: https://github.com/src-d/go-oniguruma

[4] https://github.com/go-enry/go-enry

[5] https://github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2

[6] https://github.com/go-enry/go-enry/blob/master/go.mod

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