On 7 February 2023 1:30:00 pm IST, M Hickford <mirth.hickf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 at 18:34, Nilesh Patra <nil...@debian.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 08:00:00AM +0000, M Hickford wrote:
>> > Hi. Would anyone here be able to please upload my package?
>> >
>> I have uploaded your package - 0.4.2 release. I'm not at all sure if you'd
>> be willing to / would consider taking my feedback... but, anyway --
>packages are
>> usually uploaded when there are some more changes than just a few lines
>> of minimal diffs.
>> Not each and every patch release _has_ to get an upload. And so please do
>> ping for uploads when you think there are some more changes than small
>> fixes.
>> But ofcourse, serious bugs (FTBFS, autopkgtest failures) and security bugs
>> are important things so nothing of the what above I said applies to them.
>Thanks again Nilesh. I particularly wanted to get the future-proofing
>customisation feature into bookworm, otherwise secret rotation could
>have bricked the app.

I did take a look at the diff and found it sensible to make an upload. As 
always, thanks for your work!

>Isn't this a catch 22? To become a Debian Maintainer I need to
>demonstrate an established "history of contributions" [1], but a potential
>encourages me to make fewer contributions  :-)

There is not catch 22, and to be honest I do find that phrasing as borderline 
rude. I've two points to make

1. History is made over "time" doing 10 patch release uploads in 3 days (with 
minimal diffs) isn't going to mean anything much.

2. I'm absolutely not encouraging you to make fewer contributions, but instead 
to make more number of meaningful ones.
There are plenty of areas in debian that need help, and I'm very certain that 
your experience/expertise could be very valuable.
For instance like fixing release critical bugs in current packages, or helping 
with transitions, or helping with go toolchain (bugs in dh-make-golang) and so 
So if you like to help, you can take a look in these areas, and help contribute.
There is plenty to do, and the bus factor isn't great.

>Sincerely though, I understand every upload takes the valuable time of
>stretched sponsors.

At this point in time, everyone including me is busy to get stuff into testing 
before soft freeze, and so the time for reviews is a bit less. I hope you 

>[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer


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