Hi Carsten,

On Fri, 2022-12-16 at 16:52 +0100, Carsten Brandt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have another note about dnsmasq that may be considered a security
> problem.
> I have installed LXD which installs dnsmasq by default (as a
> dependency before, but now as far as I see as recommended package).

  Correct -- as of lxd 5.0.1-3, dnsmasq is Recommended.

> The default configuration of dnsmasq makes it listen on all IP 
> addresses. So it opens a DNS resolver to the public internet, which
> can be used in DDoS attacks. [1]
> If I install dnsmasq explicitly myself I might be aware of that.
> Having installed lxd I did not think of this and expected dnsmasq to
> be used only locally.
> Not sure how to deal with this issue. Is it possible to adjust
> dnsmasq config defaults when it becomes installed along with lxd?
> If not, it should be mentioned as a warning in package documentation 
> somehow.
> What do you think?

  I spent some time looking into this over the weekend, and in reading
the dnsmasq documentation realized that just dnsmasq-base would be
sufficient for LXD's use, very much like libvirt's packaging. That will
pull in the dnsmasq binary for LXD's use, but not setup a system-wide
service. I've done some testing this afternoon, and things seem to work
properly, so the change of Recommending dnsmasq -> dnsmasq-base will be
included in the next LXD upload.

  More generally, if you're concerned about the default configuration
of dnsmasq, please open a bug against that package. I would hope end-
users will have some sort of firewall between their systems and the
wider Internet to block unintended access to a DNS resolver. It would
be inappropriate for another package (lxd) to try to directly modify
dnsmasq's configuration.


> best regards,
> Carsten
> [1]: 
> https://www.bsi.bund.de/EN/Themen/Unternehmen-und-Organisationen/Cyber-Sicherheitslage/Reaktion/CERT-Bund/CERT-Bund-Reports/HowTo/Offene-DNS-Resolver/Offene-DNS-Resolver_node.html

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