On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 05:20:54PM +0200, Alo??s Micard wrote:
> FYI the test runner is up again, we will gather metrics this week and then 
> switch to a more permanent and proper solution.

I've just re-triggered a job [0] but the runner still looks offline:

| This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners online or 
available with any of these tags assigned to them: go-ci
| Go to project CI settings

> I'll keep the team in touch when things change.

Thanks for your help!


[0] https://salsa.debian.org/cavok/golang-k8s-utils/-/jobs/2877405

rsa4096: 3B10 0CA1 8674 ACBA B4FE  FCD2 CE5B CF17 9960 DE13
ed25519: FFB4 0CC3 7F2E 091D F7DA  356E CC79 2832 ED38 CB05

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