On Mon, Jun 06, 2022 at 10:28:13AM +0200, Domenico Andreoli wrote:
> I know I should not amend on a public repo, next time I'll do my dirty
> stuff in a PR, but considering that the project

I am not sure what the problem might be you could still do your
changes on top of the branch right?
Why do you want to prune a commit? It's just one single commit after all.

> is only a few days old,
> I doubt anybody is already tracking it.
> I desire then to revert the head of golang-github-flowstack-go-jsonschema
> [2] to 945e6ba1a94356eb9c00aac9f3f567fa082a01d1.

But heh - fine.
I did a hard reset to that commit and force-pushed - which I really should
not be doing but... anyway ok for a 1-time thing.
Let me know if you would like help with anything else.

> [0] > Once you are happy with your packaging, push it to alioth using:
>     >   git remote set-url origin g...@salsa.debian.org:go-team/packages/...
>     >   gbp push
> [1] This was unexpected, although I can understand the benefits of such
>     decision I can't deny that the anarchic me wants to go some other way.
> [2] 
> https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-flowstack-go-jsonschema


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