Hi! I have managed to reactivate the test suite. It took me a bit longer than expected because I had to find the correct path to copy the test suite to. And I also had to remove those files after the test passed as I did not want them in the final deb (plus those made lintian really not happy :)). I hope that I am doing it the right way.
I would be glad if you could take look [1]. The only remaining Lintian problem is: | X: golang-mvdan-editorconfig source: debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature So, I will check with upstream folks how to handle this. On git-buildpackage, I have an extra question and I don't know where to ask: On all my git projects, I am using a bunch of pre-commit hooks (with the pre-commit [2] framework). This works by creating a <repo>/.pre-commit-config.yaml file and by activating a pre-commit hook. On my workflow, this file is globally ignored with a git ignore global configuration but I can't find a way to do that for git-buildbpackage. My solution/horrible-hack so far is to use a bash wrapper (attached) for any gbp invocation. Thanks again for your help! [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-mvdan-editorconfig/-/commit/edf2d06b904bc45296080bed4acf2631dc2e9ece [2]: https://pre-commit.com -- Faustin
#!/usr/bin/env bash . /home/faust/bin/bash_library.sh typeset -r CMD_GBP="/usr/bin/gbp" [[ -x $CMD_GBP ]] || err "gbp command not found" if [[ -s .pre-commit-config.yaml ]]; then rm .pre-commit-config.yaml fi if $CMD_GBP "$@"; then notify "OK: gbp finished" else notify "ERROR: gbp failed" fi ln -s ~/.pre-commit-config.yaml .pre-commit-config.yaml
Description: PGP signature