
[ Disclaimer: I'm rather new to the Go ecosystem, but I've modified some
existing packages in a similar manner before. They couldn't conflict
anyway since they changed hosters, but that was looked into at the time.
References below. ]

Daniel Milde <dan...@milde.cz> (2021-02-02):
> I have noticed, that autopkgtest failed for golang-github-rivo-tview because
> golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2 installs gocode into the same directory as
> golang-github-gdamore-tcell:
> https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=golang-github-rivo-tview
> https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/g/golang-github-antonmedv-expr/10191213/log.gz
> What is the best approach to fix it?

It looks to me this would be better [debian/control]:

    -XS-Go-Import-Path: github.com/gdamore/tcell
    +XS-Go-Import-Path: github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2

After all, that's what getting declared through go.mod, and what callers
are expecting to embed in theirs, isn't it?

Of course, it doesn't help that dh-make-golang doesn't know about this,
and that there aren't any well-established practice, apparently, see the
mini-thread (3 mails total) here:


> Something like this maybe?
> override_dh_auto_install:
>     dh_auto_install
>     -mv 
> $(CURDIR)/debian/golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/gdamore/{tcell,tcell.v2}

You shouldn't ignore errors from mv, and the mv foo{a,b} syntax doesn't
work with dash, so that should be avoided anyway.

Besides, the change to Go-Import-Path mentioned above seems to have the
nice side effect of getting all files shipped in the right directory in
the first place:

    $ dpkg --contents ../golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2-dev_2.1.0-3_all.deb

which means:
 - no need to post-process anything through overrides in debian/rules;
 - no need to declare breaks/replaces/conflicts against the existing
   binary package (golang-github-gdamore-tcell-dev).

Introducing a new package that can't be co-installed with the existing
one(s) is something that should look fishy in the general case, unless
you have a very good reason to be doing that. :)

I'll repeat the disclaimer: I'm very new to the Go ecosystem (in general
and in Debian), and I have a vested interest in unstucking my own
packages, but the patch I suggested above looks to me like it would
solve the co-installability problem instead of papering over it with
“you must not install both packages at the same time”, I think?

Cyril Brulebois -- Debian Consultant @ DEBAMAX -- https://debamax.com/

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