// send from my mobile device Thorsten Alteholz <deb...@alteholz.de> 于 2020年12月18日周五 07:30写道:
> Hi team, > > for a new package I need to update golang-raven-go to the newest version > 0.2.0. > Among others this version now depends on "github.com/certifi/gocertifi". > Some time ago[1] Praveen suggested not to package this but use the system > CA bundle instead. From my point of view this sounds reasonable. > > So, would it be enough to just replace > rootCAs, err := gocertifi.CACerts() > by > rootCAs, err := x509.SystemCertPool() > ? > Hi, I think it's enough. But be sure to depend on ca-certificates on the final package (not the raven-go). (I would prefer to stick with raven-go and not maintain a patch to replace > it by sentry-go.) > > Thorsten > > [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-go/2018/12/msg00065.html > >