On Saturday, 29 February 2020 1:46:48 PM AEDT Shengjing Zhu wrote:
> I share some packaging preference with you, for example, I like
> 1. keep only debian directory in debian branch
> 2. not choose dep14 layout

Thanks for sharing that. It is not just you and me but also the Debian KDE 

> But I only apply these in my own packages, more specifically in
> salsa.d.o/zhsj namespace.

I'm not blindly converting every package to my preferred repository layout.
I'm doing tedious and unnecessary "gbp import-orig" in most packages where 
applicable merely for compliance with team practices and for the sake of 
"least surprise". But some packages can not be maintained in GBP style 
repository effectively and other exhibit problems directly originating from 
the particular GBP repository layout...

IMHO slim "debian/" only repository layout should not be confined within 
personal name space because it is really not that hard to team-maintain such 
packages as long as maintainers are familiar with basics -- in fact it is 
_easier_ not to do the extra steps to satisfy GBP.

Here is a small introduction that I wrote for non-GBP build process:


> I acknowledge that it's hard to reach consensus for a big team like pkg-go.
> But when I do work inside the team, I want to follow a simple
> workflow, not with lots of options.

There are maybe just about dozen people here -- is that many?
And we talking about few variations of just two workflows.

I think consensus might be possible but the real question whether it is worth 
the effort to try to achieve the team-wide consensus. Why would we need that?

I think people actively contributing to the same packages always find a way 
to do the work in the mutually satisfying manner.

Everybody can voice their concerns when something does not work. But when 
things are not broken there is a risk to disrupt the balance and make things 

> Because when I put the package in the team, I want others can team
> upload when I'm not available.
> I don't want others to take time to figure out what I preferred.
> If they can read a single workflow guidance to fix my packages, I
> would be happy not to follow my own preference.

Of course. But how much effort would you be willing to spend for unlikely 
upload of a very sophisticated package? There is always a balance...

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


Nothing guarantees that reasonable people will agree about everything, of
course, but the unreasonable are certain to be divided by their dogmas. It
is time we recognized that this spirit of mutual inquiry, which is the
foundation of all real science, is the very antithesis of religious faith.
        -- Sam Harris

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