I have noticed a lot of CNCF projects have made the switch to Go 1.13. I
think that for some of them, it's simply been more or less a housekeeping
thing, but for others, they are genuinely starting to use Go 1.13 features.
As an example, I updated a couple of Prometheus exporters yesterday. The
blackbox_exporter now supports reporting TLS versions of HTTP probes, and
references TLS 1.3 constants only found in Go 1.13's net/http package.
These could of course be patched out in a buster / Go 1.11 build. The
snmp_exporter now uses signed bit-shifts in their code, which first landed
in Go 1.13. Patching this would be slightly more involved, but still

I'm in favour of backporting Go 1.13 to buster. After all, stretch shipped
with Go 1.7, yet has Go 1.11 in stretch-backports. To support Go 1.13 in
buster, dh-golang would also need to be backported, since Go 1.12
introduced the requirement that the GOCACHE env var must point to a
writable directory. See changelog entry for dh-golang 1.40.

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 9:13 PM Pirate Praveen <prav...@onenetbeyond.org>

> Hi,
> I got this build error today with gitaly.
> https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues/2312
> I think more and more packages will be expecting golang 1.13 from now
> on. Is there any plan to backport golang 1.13 to buster? Or any
> objections if I were to backport it?
> Thanks
> Praveen

Daniel Swarbrick


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