Hiya o/,

I'm looking for a sponsor for the packages:
  * golang-github-rivo-uniseg [ITP]
  * golang-github-rivo-tview/0.0~git20190829.f8bc69b-1

uniseg is a new depencency for upgrading the tview. Please upload by
this sequence: uniseg -> tview.

The packages are on:

The packages were tested on both gbp and sbuild. It's also lintian-clean.
Please consider reviewing and upload.

And, could you grant me DM upload for both? My GPG fingerprint is
0xD39D8D29BAF36DF8 and it's in debian-maintainers keyring.

Thank you!

Jongmin Kim

OpenPGP key located at https://jongmin.dev/pgp
OpenPGP fingerprint: 012E 4A06 79E1 4EFC DAAE  9472 D39D 8D29 BAF3 6DF8

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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