>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Hofstaedtler <z...@debian.org> writes:
    Chris> Adam (adsb) points out that the test code in
    Chris> lib/rpc/unit-test/client.c [1] uses code that does not
    Chris> support IPv6(-only). I.e. gethostbyname for a name that has
    Chris> no IPv4 address will fail.

So, are the builds going to unshare or not?
given that the code is apparently quite happy to work with a hostname
that  points to ipv4 loopback and given that  I already spent a good
chunk of time dealing with buildd churn this month, I don't have a lot
of love for dealing with more gratuitous environment changes entirely
outside my control.

I'm kind of tempted to take this to the TC and ask for clarity about
what is reasonable to expecte from buildds.


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