Processing commands for > # reassigning orphaned bugs to their respective source packages (or > successors thereof) > reassign 621712 src:libtirpc 0.2.1-1 Bug #621712 [libtirpc1] Protocol selection for access to rpcbind is broken Warning: Unknown package 'libtirpc1' Bug reassigned from package 'libtirpc1' to 'src:libtirpc'. No longer marked as found in versions libtirpc/0.2.1-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #621712 to the same values previously set Bug #621712 [src:libtirpc] Protocol selection for access to rpcbind is broken Marked as found in versions libtirpc/0.2.1-1. > reassign 638322 src:libtirpc Bug #638322 [libtirpc1] nfs-common: rpc.statd binds to udp port 631 preventing cups startup Warning: Unknown package 'libtirpc1' Bug reassigned from package 'libtirpc1' to 'src:libtirpc'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #638322 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #638322 to the same values previously set > reassign 854571 src:poppler 0.48.0-2 Bug #854571 [libpoppler64] libpoppler64: segmentation fault in call to cmsGetColorSpace() from, fixed upstream Warning: Unknown package 'libpoppler64' Bug reassigned from package 'libpoppler64' to 'src:poppler'. No longer marked as found in versions poppler/0.48.0-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #854571 to the same values previously set Bug #854571 [src:poppler] libpoppler64: segmentation fault in call to cmsGetColorSpace() from, fixed upstream Marked as found in versions poppler/0.48.0-2. > reassign 876410 src:gl2ps 1.3.9-4 Bug #876410 [libgl2ps1] libgl2ps1: please include support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Warning: Unknown package 'libgl2ps1' Bug reassigned from package 'libgl2ps1' to 'src:gl2ps'. No longer marked as found in versions gl2ps/1.3.9-4. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #876410 to the same values previously set Bug #876410 [src:gl2ps] libgl2ps1: please include support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Marked as found in versions gl2ps/1.3.9-4. > reassign 170726 src:glib2.0 2.0.7-1 Bug #170726 [libglib2.0-0-dbg] libglib2.0-dbg compiled without --enable-debug=yes Warning: Unknown package 'libglib2.0-0-dbg' Bug reassigned from package 'libglib2.0-0-dbg' to 'src:glib2.0'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #170726 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #170726 to the same values previously set Bug #170726 [src:glib2.0] libglib2.0-dbg compiled without --enable-debug=yes The source 'glib2.0' and version '2.0.7-1' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions glib2.0/2.0.7-1. > reassign 888264 src:icu 57.1-6+deb9u1 Bug #888264 [libicu57] libicu57: issues with NumberFormatter and locales Warning: Unknown package 'libicu57' Bug reassigned from package 'libicu57' to 'src:icu'. No longer marked as found in versions icu/57.1-6+deb9u1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #888264 to the same values previously set Bug #888264 [src:icu] libicu57: issues with NumberFormatter and locales Marked as found in versions icu/57.1-6+deb9u1. > reassign 881132 src:sox 14.4.1-5 Bug #881132 [libsox2] bs1770gain: stack buffer overflow while running bs1770gain Warning: Unknown package 'libsox2' Bug reassigned from package 'libsox2' to 'src:sox'. No longer marked as found in versions sox/14.4.1-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #881132 to the same values previously set Bug #881132 [src:sox] bs1770gain: stack buffer overflow while running bs1770gain Marked as found in versions sox/14.4.1-5. > reassign 881131 src:sox 14.4.1-5 Bug #881131 [libsox2] bs1770gain: divide by zero while running bs1770gain Warning: Unknown package 'libsox2' Bug reassigned from package 'libsox2' to 'src:sox'. No longer marked as found in versions sox/14.4.1-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #881131 to the same values previously set Bug #881131 [src:sox] bs1770gain: divide by zero while running bs1770gain Marked as found in versions sox/14.4.1-5. > reassign 865422 src:lm-sensors 1:3.4.0-4 Bug #865422 [libsensors4] libsensors4 should ignore *~ files in /etc/sensors.d Warning: Unknown package 'libsensors4' Bug reassigned from package 'libsensors4' to 'src:lm-sensors'. No longer marked as found in versions lm-sensors/1:3.4.0-4. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #865422 to the same values previously set Bug #865422 [src:lm-sensors] libsensors4 should ignore *~ files in /etc/sensors.d Marked as found in versions lm-sensors/1:3.4.0-4. > reassign 537583 src:lm-sensors 1:3.1.1-2 Bug #537583 [libsensors4] mv /etc/sensors3.conf /etc/sensors3/main Warning: Unknown package 'libsensors4' Bug reassigned from package 'libsensors4' to 'src:lm-sensors'. No longer marked as found in versions lm-sensors-3/1:3.1.1-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #537583 to the same values previously set Bug #537583 [src:lm-sensors] mv /etc/sensors3.conf /etc/sensors3/main The source 'lm-sensors' and version '1:3.1.1-2' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions lm-sensors/1:3.1.1-2. > reassign 771051 src:evince 3.14.1-1 Bug #771051 [evince-gtk] shows misleading error about password Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/3.14.1-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #771051 to the same values previously set Bug #771051 [src:evince] shows misleading error about password Marked as found in versions evince/3.14.1-1. > reassign 588794 src:evince 2.30.3-1 Bug #588794 [evince-gtk] evince-gtk: displays only half pages from postscript in full screen view Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/2.30.3-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #588794 to the same values previously set Bug #588794 [src:evince] evince-gtk: displays only half pages from postscript in full screen view Marked as found in versions evince/2.30.3-1. > reassign 668539 src:evince 3.3.90-1 Bug #668539 [evince-gtk] closing open dialog also closes the main window Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/3.3.90-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #668539 to the same values previously set Bug #668539 [src:evince] closing open dialog also closes the main window Marked as found in versions evince/3.3.90-1. > reassign 679585 src:evince 3.4.0-2 Bug #679585 [evince-gtk] /usr/bin/evince: no bookmarks since latest upgrade Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/3.4.0-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #679585 to the same values previously set Bug #679585 [src:evince] /usr/bin/evince: no bookmarks since latest upgrade Marked as found in versions evince/3.4.0-2. > reassign 776157 src:evince 3.14.1-1 Bug #776157 [evince-gtk] /usr/bin/evince: Printing some PDFs produces blank page Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/3.14.1-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #776157 to the same values previously set Bug #776157 [src:evince] /usr/bin/evince: Printing some PDFs produces blank page Marked as found in versions evince/3.14.1-1. > reassign 871936 src:evince 3.22.1-3+deb9u1 Bug #871936 [evince-gtk] evince-gtk: not giving back focus to main window Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/3.22.1-3+deb9u1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #871936 to the same values previously set Bug #871936 [src:evince] evince-gtk: not giving back focus to main window Marked as found in versions evince/3.22.1-3+deb9u1. > reassign 520469 src:evince 2.22.2-4 Bug #520469 [evince-gtk] Evince "Print Selected" doesn't exist Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/2.22.2-4. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #520469 to the same values previously set Bug #520469 [src:evince] Evince "Print Selected" doesn't exist Marked as found in versions evince/2.22.2-4. > reassign 447704 src:evince 2.20.0-1 Bug #447704 [evince-gtk] evince enforces window position Warning: Unknown package 'evince-gtk' Bug reassigned from package 'evince-gtk' to 'src:evince'. No longer marked as found in versions evince/2.20.0-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #447704 to the same values previously set Bug #447704 [src:evince] evince enforces window position Marked as found in versions evince/2.20.0-1. > reassign 754397 src:mesa 10.2.3-1 Bug #754397 [libgles1-mesa] libgles1-mesa: missing functions in new versions (soname issue?) Warning: Unknown package 'libgles1-mesa' Bug reassigned from package 'libgles1-mesa' to 'src:mesa'. No longer marked as found in versions mesa/10.2.3-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #754397 to the same values previously set Bug #754397 [src:mesa] libgles1-mesa: missing functions in new versions (soname issue?) Marked as found in versions mesa/10.2.3-1. > reassign 729154 src:libgpod 0.8.3-1 Bug #729154 [libgpod4-nogtk] libgpod4-nogtk: libgpod crash while re-add orphaned files from amarok Warning: Unknown package 'libgpod4-nogtk' Bug reassigned from package 'libgpod4-nogtk' to 'src:libgpod'. No longer marked as found in versions libgpod/0.8.3-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #729154 to the same values previously set Bug #729154 [src:libgpod] libgpod4-nogtk: libgpod crash while re-add orphaned files from amarok Marked as found in versions libgpod/0.8.3-1. > reassign 715875 src:exim4 4.80-7 Bug #715875 [exim4-dbg] [Mayhem] Bug report on exim4-dbg: eximon.bin crashes with exit status 139 Warning: Unknown package 'exim4-dbg' Bug reassigned from package 'exim4-dbg' to 'src:exim4'. No longer marked as found in versions exim4/4.80-7. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #715875 to the same values previously set Bug #715875 [src:exim4] [Mayhem] Bug report on exim4-dbg: eximon.bin crashes with exit status 139 Marked as found in versions exim4/4.80-7. > reassign 652516 src:fonts-wqy-zenhei 0.9.45-3.1 Bug #652516 [ttf-wqy-zenhei] ttf-wqy-zenhei: fontconfig priority should be separate from fontpackage itself Warning: Unknown package 'ttf-wqy-zenhei' Bug reassigned from package 'ttf-wqy-zenhei' to 'src:fonts-wqy-zenhei'. No longer marked as found in versions ttf-wqy-zenhei/0.9.45-3.1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #652516 to the same values previously set Bug #652516 [src:fonts-wqy-zenhei] ttf-wqy-zenhei: fontconfig priority should be separate from fontpackage itself The source 'fonts-wqy-zenhei' and version '0.9.45-3.1' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions fonts-wqy-zenhei/0.9.45-3.1. > reassign 640923 src:strongswan 4.5.2-1.1 Bug #640923 [strongswan-ikev1] strongswan-ikev1 should Depends/Recommends against opensc package Warning: Unknown package 'strongswan-ikev1' Bug reassigned from package 'strongswan-ikev1' to 'src:strongswan'. No longer marked as found in versions strongswan/4.5.2-1.1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #640923 to the same values previously set Bug #640923 [src:strongswan] strongswan-ikev1 should Depends/Recommends against opensc package Marked as found in versions strongswan/4.5.2-1.1. > reassign 603342 src:gutenprint 5.2.6-1 Bug #603342 [libgutenprintui2-1] libgutenprintui2-1: ui problems with PPD provided by printer manufacturer Warning: Unknown package 'libgutenprintui2-1' Bug reassigned from package 'libgutenprintui2-1' to 'src:gutenprint'. No longer marked as found in versions gutenprint/5.2.6-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #603342 to the same values previously set Bug #603342 [src:gutenprint] libgutenprintui2-1: ui problems with PPD provided by printer manufacturer Marked as found in versions gutenprint/5.2.6-1. > reassign 593641 src:k3b 2.0.1-1 Bug #593641 [libk3b6] SoX encoder fails with SoX >= 14.1.0 (I think) Warning: Unknown package 'libk3b6' Bug reassigned from package 'libk3b6' to 'src:k3b'. No longer marked as found in versions k3b/2.0.1-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #593641 to the same values previously set Bug #593641 [src:k3b] SoX encoder fails with SoX >= 14.1.0 (I think) Marked as found in versions k3b/2.0.1-1. > reassign 287121 src:glibc 2.3.2.ds1-18 Bug #287121 [libc6-i686] streamtuner: segmentation fault Warning: Unknown package 'libc6-i686' Bug reassigned from package 'libc6-i686' to 'src:glibc'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #287121 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #287121 to the same values previously set Bug #287121 [src:glibc] streamtuner: segmentation fault Marked as found in versions glibc/2.3.2.ds1-18. > reassign 425769 src:glibc 2.3.6.ds1-13 Bug #425769 [libc6-i686] libc6-i686: valgrind detects CRC error in package Warning: Unknown package 'libc6-i686' Bug reassigned from package 'libc6-i686' to 'src:glibc'. No longer marked as found in versions glibc/2.3.6.ds1-13. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #425769 to the same values previously set Bug #425769 [src:glibc] libc6-i686: valgrind detects CRC error in package Marked as found in versions glibc/2.3.6.ds1-13. > reassign 651780 src:sl-modem 2.9.11~20110321-4 Bug #651780 [sl-modem-source] Cannot build slamr.ko on 64-bit host Warning: Unknown package 'sl-modem-source' Bug reassigned from package 'sl-modem-source' to 'src:sl-modem'. No longer marked as found in versions sl-modem/2.9.11~20110321-4. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #651780 to the same values previously set Bug #651780 [src:sl-modem] Cannot build slamr.ko on 64-bit host Marked as found in versions sl-modem/2.9.11~20110321-4. > reassign 879849 src:imagemagick 8: Bug #879849 [libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra] libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra: needs a dependency on librsvg2-bin Warning: Unknown package 'libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra' Bug reassigned from package 'libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra' to 'src:imagemagick'. No longer marked as found in versions imagemagick/8: Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #879849 to the same values previously set Bug #879849 [src:imagemagick] libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra: needs a dependency on librsvg2-bin Marked as found in versions imagemagick/8: > reassign 854564 src:mutter 3.22.2-3 Bug #854564 [libmutter0i] libmutter0i: Segmentation fault in in real_assign_crtcs() at backends/meta-monitor-config.c:1939 Warning: Unknown package 'libmutter0i' Bug reassigned from package 'libmutter0i' to 'src:mutter'. No longer marked as found in versions mutter/3.22.2-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #854564 to the same values previously set Bug #854564 [src:mutter] libmutter0i: Segmentation fault in in real_assign_crtcs() at backends/meta-monitor-config.c:1939 Marked as found in versions mutter/3.22.2-3. > reassign 874577 src:curl 7.52.1-5 Bug #874577 [libcurl3] libcurl3: curl libssl libpq compile problem Warning: Unknown package 'libcurl3' Bug reassigned from package 'libcurl3' to 'src:curl'. No longer marked as found in versions curl/7.52.1-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #874577 to the same values previously set Bug #874577 [src:curl] libcurl3: curl libssl libpq compile problem Marked as found in versions curl/7.52.1-5. > reassign 820775 src:curl 7.38.0-4+deb8u3 Bug #820775 [libcurl3] libcurl3: Compile libcurl3 with c-ares support Warning: Unknown package 'libcurl3' Bug reassigned from package 'libcurl3' to 'src:curl'. No longer marked as found in versions curl/7.38.0-4+deb8u3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #820775 to the same values previously set Bug #820775 [src:curl] libcurl3: Compile libcurl3 with c-ares support Marked as found in versions curl/7.38.0-4+deb8u3. > reassign 841137 src:gnuplot 5.0.3+dfsg2-2 Bug #841137 [gnuplot5-qt] gnuplot5-qt: double free or corruption Warning: Unknown package 'gnuplot5-qt' Bug reassigned from package 'gnuplot5-qt' to 'src:gnuplot'. No longer marked as found in versions gnuplot5/5.0.3+dfsg2-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #841137 to the same values previously set Bug #841137 [src:gnuplot] gnuplot5-qt: double free or corruption The source 'gnuplot' and version '5.0.3+dfsg2-2' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions gnuplot/5.0.3+dfsg2-2. > reassign 443366 src:gconf Bug #443366 [libgconf2-4] gconfd eats my config on every logout/login cycle Warning: Unknown package 'libgconf2-4' Bug reassigned from package 'libgconf2-4' to 'src:gconf'. No longer marked as found in versions gconf2/ Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #443366 to the same values previously set Bug #443366 [src:gconf] gconfd eats my config on every logout/login cycle The source 'gconf' and version '' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions gconf/ > reassign 576617 src:gconf 2.28.0-1 Bug #576617 [libgconf2-4] libgconf2-4: gconfd-2 enters infinite loop, preventing other apps from starting forever Warning: Unknown package 'libgconf2-4' Bug reassigned from package 'libgconf2-4' to 'src:gconf'. No longer marked as found in versions gconf/2.28.0-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #576617 to the same values previously set Bug #576617 [src:gconf] libgconf2-4: gconfd-2 enters infinite loop, preventing other apps from starting forever Marked as found in versions gconf/2.28.0-1. > reassign 624496 src:gconf 2.28.1-6 Bug #624496 [libgconf2-4] libgconf2-4: gconfd crashes when resuming after changing BSSID Bug #625739 [libgconf2-4] libgconf2-4: gconfd crashes when resuming after changing BSSID Warning: Unknown package 'libgconf2-4' Bug reassigned from package 'libgconf2-4' to 'src:gconf'. Bug reassigned from package 'libgconf2-4' to 'src:gconf'. No longer marked as found in versions gconf/2.28.1-6. No longer marked as found in versions gconf/2.28.1-6. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #624496 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #625739 to the same values previously set Bug #624496 [src:gconf] libgconf2-4: gconfd crashes when resuming after changing BSSID Bug #625739 [src:gconf] libgconf2-4: gconfd crashes when resuming after changing BSSID Marked as found in versions gconf/2.28.1-6. Marked as found in versions gconf/2.28.1-6. > reassign 694340 src:gconf 3.2.5-1+build1 Bug #694340 [libgconf2-4] libgconf2-4 breaks banshee from squeeze Warning: Unknown package 'libgconf2-4' Bug reassigned from package 'libgconf2-4' to 'src:gconf'. No longer marked as found in versions gconf/3.2.5-1+build1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #694340 to the same values previously set Bug #694340 [src:gconf] libgconf2-4 breaks banshee from squeeze Marked as found in versions gconf/3.2.5-1+build1. > reassign 482377 src:courier 0.53.3-5 Bug #482377 [courier-ssl] passing MAXDAEMONS & MAXPERIP, DoS insecurity. Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.53.3-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #482377 to the same values previously set Bug #482377 [src:courier] passing MAXDAEMONS & MAXPERIP, DoS insecurity. Marked as found in versions courier/0.53.3-5. > reassign 273332 src:courier Bug #273332 [courier-ssl] courier-ssl: renewing certificates is not easy Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #273332 to the same values previously set Bug #273332 [src:courier] courier-ssl: renewing certificates is not easy Marked as found in versions courier/ > reassign 276443 src:courier 0.47-1 Bug #276443 [courier-ssl] courier-ssl: new packages made new certificates Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions 0.47-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #276443 to the same values previously set Bug #276443 [src:courier] courier-ssl: new packages made new certificates Marked as found in versions courier/0.47-1. > reassign 387784 src:courier Bug #387784 [courier-ssl] courier-ssl: pls include cacert certificate Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #387784 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #387784 to the same values previously set > reassign 788067 src:courier 0.68.2-1 Bug #788067 [courier-ssl] POODLE fix by disabling SSLv3 Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.68.2-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #788067 to the same values previously set Bug #788067 [src:courier] POODLE fix by disabling SSLv3 Marked as found in versions courier/0.68.2-1. > reassign 793184 src:courier 0.73.1-1.6 Bug #793184 [courier-ssl] courier-ssl: man page of mkdhparams indicate the wrong environment variable Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.73.1-1.6. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #793184 to the same values previously set Bug #793184 [src:courier] courier-ssl: man page of mkdhparams indicate the wrong environment variable Marked as found in versions courier/0.73.1-1.6. > reassign 828920 src:courier 0.73.1-1.6 Bug #828920 [courier-ssl] courier-ssl: mkdhparams ignores environment variable BITS Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.73.1-1.6. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #828920 to the same values previously set Bug #828920 [src:courier] courier-ssl: mkdhparams ignores environment variable BITS Marked as found in versions courier/0.73.1-1.6. > reassign 632703 src:courier 0.66.1-1 Bug #632703 [courier-ssl] /usr/bin/couriertls: TLS_CACHEFILE and TLS_CACHESIZE not documented in couriertls man file Warning: Unknown package 'courier-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.66.1-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #632703 to the same values previously set Bug #632703 [src:courier] /usr/bin/couriertls: TLS_CACHEFILE and TLS_CACHESIZE not documented in couriertls man file Marked as found in versions courier/0.66.1-1. > reassign 793341 src:linphone 3.6.1-2.4 Bug #793341 [libmediastreamer-base3] libmediastreamer-base3: Segfault in Warning: Unknown package 'libmediastreamer-base3' Bug reassigned from package 'libmediastreamer-base3' to 'src:linphone'. No longer marked as found in versions linphone/3.6.1-2.4. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #793341 to the same values previously set Bug #793341 [src:linphone] libmediastreamer-base3: Segfault in Marked as found in versions linphone/3.6.1-2.4. > reassign 864514 src:linphone 3.6.1-3 Bug #864514 [libmediastreamer-base3] libmediastreamer-base3: segfault when call starts in Warning: Unknown package 'libmediastreamer-base3' Bug reassigned from package 'libmediastreamer-base3' to 'src:linphone'. No longer marked as found in versions linphone/3.6.1-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #864514 to the same values previously set Bug #864514 [src:linphone] libmediastreamer-base3: segfault when call starts in Marked as found in versions linphone/3.6.1-3. > reassign 1009895 src:chromium 100.0.4896.127-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Bug #1009895 [chromium-browser] chromium-browser: All browsers like chromium (opera, vivaldi) always crashes when try to upload files Warning: Unknown package 'chromium-browser' Bug reassigned from package 'chromium-browser' to 'src:chromium'. No longer marked as found in versions 100.0.4896.127-0ubuntu0.18.04.1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1009895 to the same values previously set Bug #1009895 [src:chromium] chromium-browser: All browsers like chromium (opera, vivaldi) always crashes when try to upload files The source 'chromium' and version '100.0.4896.127-0ubuntu0.18.04.1' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions chromium/100.0.4896.127-0ubuntu0.18.04.1. > reassign 398866 src:gutenprint 5.0.0-3 Bug #398866 [foomatic-db-gutenprint] Grayscale printing nok for escp2-cx1500 driver from foomatic-db-gutenprint Warning: Unknown package 'foomatic-db-gutenprint' Bug reassigned from package 'foomatic-db-gutenprint' to 'src:gutenprint'. No longer marked as found in versions gutenprint/5.0.0-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #398866 to the same values previously set Bug #398866 [src:gutenprint] Grayscale printing nok for escp2-cx1500 driver from foomatic-db-gutenprint Marked as found in versions gutenprint/5.0.0-3. > reassign 641936 src:gutenprint 5.2.6-1 Bug #641936 [foomatic-db-gutenprint] Canon Pixma MP210 does not work out of the box (MP220 driver works fine) Warning: Unknown package 'foomatic-db-gutenprint' Bug reassigned from package 'foomatic-db-gutenprint' to 'src:gutenprint'. No longer marked as found in versions gutenprint/5.2.6-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #641936 to the same values previously set Bug #641936 [src:gutenprint] Canon Pixma MP210 does not work out of the box (MP220 driver works fine) Marked as found in versions gutenprint/5.2.6-1. > reassign 658793 src:isl 0.08-1 Bug #658793 [src:libisl-dbg] libisl-dbg: is not an ELF file Warning: Unknown package 'src:libisl-dbg' Bug reassigned from package 'src:libisl-dbg' to 'src:isl'. No longer marked as found in versions libisl-dbg/0.08-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #658793 to the same values previously set Bug #658793 [src:isl] libisl-dbg: is not an ELF file Marked as found in versions isl/0.08-1. > reassign 766634 src:dutch 1:2.10-1 Bug #766634 [myspell-nl] Myspell-nl files can't be loaded in a PostgreSQL dictionary Warning: Unknown package 'myspell-nl' Bug reassigned from package 'myspell-nl' to 'src:dutch'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #766634 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #766634 to the same values previously set Bug #766634 [src:dutch] Myspell-nl files can't be loaded in a PostgreSQL dictionary Marked as found in versions dutch/1:2.10-1. > reassign 714147 src:dutch 1:2.10-1 Bug #714147 [myspell-nl] myspell-nl: Invalid use of ij character in 'bijectie' Warning: Unknown package 'myspell-nl' Bug reassigned from package 'myspell-nl' to 'src:dutch'. No longer marked as found in versions dutch/1:2.10-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #714147 to the same values previously set Bug #714147 [src:dutch] myspell-nl: Invalid use of ij character in 'bijectie' Marked as found in versions dutch/1:2.10-1. > reassign 774267 src:libcdio 0.83-4.2 Bug #774267 [libiso9660-8] libiso9660-8: segmentation fault Warning: Unknown package 'libiso9660-8' Bug reassigned from package 'libiso9660-8' to 'src:libcdio'. No longer marked as found in versions libcdio/0.83-4.2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #774267 to the same values previously set Bug #774267 [src:libcdio] libiso9660-8: segmentation fault Marked as found in versions libcdio/0.83-4.2. > reassign 815100 src:gsl 2.1+dfsg-2 Bug #815100 [libgsl2] /usr/share/doc/libgsl2/copyright: Small mistakes in the copyright file Warning: Unknown package 'libgsl2' Bug reassigned from package 'libgsl2' to 'src:gsl'. No longer marked as found in versions gsl/2.1+dfsg-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #815100 to the same values previously set Bug #815100 [src:gsl] /usr/share/doc/libgsl2/copyright: Small mistakes in the copyright file Marked as found in versions gsl/2.1+dfsg-2. > reassign 822332 src:gsl 2.1+dfsg-2 Bug #822332 [libgsl2] libgsl2: typo in package description Warning: Unknown package 'libgsl2' Bug reassigned from package 'libgsl2' to 'src:gsl'. No longer marked as found in versions gsl/2.1+dfsg-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #822332 to the same values previously set Bug #822332 [src:gsl] libgsl2: typo in package description Marked as found in versions gsl/2.1+dfsg-2. > reassign 215070 src:courier Bug #215070 [courier-imap-ssl, courier-pop-ssl] should edit imapd.cnf before auto generate imapd.pem Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Warning: Unknown package 'courier-pop-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl, courier-pop-ssl' to 'src:courier'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #215070 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #215070 to the same values previously set > reassign 910034 src:courier 0.76.3-5 Bug #910034 [courier-pop-ssl] courier-pop-ssl: Doesn't start after reboot Warning: Unknown package 'courier-pop-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-pop-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.76.3-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #910034 to the same values previously set Bug #910034 [src:courier] courier-pop-ssl: Doesn't start after reboot Marked as found in versions courier/0.76.3-5. > reassign 317898 src:courier 0.47-4 Bug #317898 [courier-pop-ssl] courier-pop-ssl: when restarting please check existence of pidfile and bark Warning: Unknown package 'courier-pop-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-pop-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions 0.47-4. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #317898 to the same values previously set Bug #317898 [src:courier] courier-pop-ssl: when restarting please check existence of pidfile and bark Marked as found in versions courier/0.47-4. > reassign 866591 src:mutter Bug #866591 [libmutter-dev] GIR and Typelib files are installed in the wrong directory Warning: Unknown package 'libmutter-dev' Bug reassigned from package 'libmutter-dev' to 'src:mutter'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #866591 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #866591 to the same values previously set > reassign 408865 src:lyx Bug #408865 [ttf-lyx] Should be automatically generated from pfb source Warning: Unknown package 'ttf-lyx' Bug reassigned from package 'ttf-lyx' to 'src:lyx'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #408865 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #408865 to the same values previously set > reassign 508067 src:vlc 0.8.6.h-4+lenny2 Bug #508067 [vlc-nox] vlc: Lack of documentation concerning file logging facility Warning: Unknown package 'vlc-nox' Bug reassigned from package 'vlc-nox' to 'src:vlc'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #508067 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #508067 to the same values previously set Bug #508067 [src:vlc] vlc: Lack of documentation concerning file logging facility Marked as found in versions vlc/0.8.6.h-4+lenny2. > reassign 517462 src:vlc 0.8.6.h-5 Bug #517462 [vlc-nox] vlc creates infinite playlist from Quicktime "Multiple URLs" file Warning: Unknown package 'vlc-nox' Bug reassigned from package 'vlc-nox' to 'src:vlc'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #517462 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #517462 to the same values previously set Bug #517462 [src:vlc] vlc creates infinite playlist from Quicktime "Multiple URLs" file Marked as found in versions vlc/0.8.6.h-5. > reassign 704221 src:vlc 2.0.5-2 Bug #704221 [vlc-nox] vlc: doesn't document cdda:// Warning: Unknown package 'vlc-nox' Bug reassigned from package 'vlc-nox' to 'src:vlc'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #704221 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #704221 to the same values previously set Bug #704221 [src:vlc] vlc: doesn't document cdda:// Marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.5-2. > reassign 570136 src:vlc 2.0.3-4 Bug #570136 [vlc-nox] vlc-nox: Please allow to select subtitles using the http interface Bug #604422 [vlc-nox] vlc: please add subtitle configuration from the http interface Warning: Unknown package 'vlc-nox' Bug reassigned from package 'vlc-nox' to 'src:vlc'. Bug reassigned from package 'vlc-nox' to 'src:vlc'. No longer marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.3-4, vlc/2.0.5-1, vlc/0.8.6.h-4+lenny2, and vlc/2.0.3-3. No longer marked as found in versions vlc/0.8.6.h-4+lenny2, vlc/2.0.5-1, vlc/2.0.3-4, and vlc/2.0.3-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #570136 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #604422 to the same values previously set Bug #570136 [src:vlc] vlc-nox: Please allow to select subtitles using the http interface Bug #604422 [src:vlc] vlc: please add subtitle configuration from the http interface Marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.3-4. Marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.3-4. > found 570136 2.0.3-3 Bug #570136 [src:vlc] vlc-nox: Please allow to select subtitles using the http interface Bug #604422 [src:vlc] vlc: please add subtitle configuration from the http interface Marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.3-3. Marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.3-3. > found 570136 0.8.6.h-4+lenny2 Bug #570136 [src:vlc] vlc-nox: Please allow to select subtitles using the http interface Bug #604422 [src:vlc] vlc: please add subtitle configuration from the http interface Marked as found in versions vlc/0.8.6.h-4+lenny2. Marked as found in versions vlc/0.8.6.h-4+lenny2. > found 570136 2.0.5-1 Bug #570136 [src:vlc] vlc-nox: Please allow to select subtitles using the http interface Bug #604422 [src:vlc] vlc: please add subtitle configuration from the http interface Marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.5-1. Marked as found in versions vlc/2.0.5-1. > reassign 892910 src:sundials 2.5.0-3 Bug #892910 [libsundials-serial-dev] please provide shared libraries for Fortran interfaces Warning: Unknown package 'libsundials-serial-dev' Bug reassigned from package 'libsundials-serial-dev' to 'src:sundials'. No longer marked as found in versions sundials/2.5.0-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #892910 to the same values previously set Bug #892910 [src:sundials] please provide shared libraries for Fortran interfaces Marked as found in versions sundials/2.5.0-3. > reassign 150781 src:courier 1.4.3-4 Bug #150781 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Should not automatically build certificate Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #150781 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #150781 to the same values previously set Bug #150781 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Should not automatically build certificate The source 'courier' and version '1.4.3-4' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/1.4.3-4. > reassign 239199 src:courier Bug #239199 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Automatically created certificate break evolution Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #239199 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #239199 to the same values previously set > reassign 278993 src:courier 3.0.8-3 Bug #278993 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: ssl certificate is always created with same serial number -- mozilla complains Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions 3.0.8-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #278993 to the same values previously set Bug #278993 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: ssl certificate is always created with same serial number -- mozilla complains The source 'courier' and version '3.0.8-3' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/3.0.8-3. > reassign 336136 src:courier 3.0.8-11 Bug #336136 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: update fails: /usr/lib/courier/imapd.pem: Too many levels of symbolic links Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier-imap-ssl/3.0.8-11. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #336136 to the same values previously set Bug #336136 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: update fails: /usr/lib/courier/imapd.pem: Too many levels of symbolic links The source 'courier' and version '3.0.8-11' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/3.0.8-11. > reassign 364450 src:courier 3.0.8-13 Bug #364450 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: TLS/SSL session caching conflicts with widespread MUAs Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier-imap-ssl/3.0.8-13. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #364450 to the same values previously set Bug #364450 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: TLS/SSL session caching conflicts with widespread MUAs The source 'courier' and version '3.0.8-13' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/3.0.8-13. > reassign 385006 src:courier 0.53.2-3 Bug #385006 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: starts on wrong port due to /etc/services Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.53.2-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #385006 to the same values previously set Bug #385006 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: starts on wrong port due to /etc/services Marked as found in versions courier/0.53.2-3. > reassign 426062 src:courier 0.53.3-5 Bug #426062 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Uses /etc/courier/imapd.pem and not /usr/lib/courier/imapd.pem Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.53.3-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #426062 to the same values previously set Bug #426062 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Uses /etc/courier/imapd.pem and not /usr/lib/courier/imapd.pem Marked as found in versions courier/0.53.3-5. > reassign 428377 src:courier 0.53.3-5 Bug #428377 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Enable IMAP_TLS_REQUIRED by default Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.53.3-5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #428377 to the same values previously set Bug #428377 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Enable IMAP_TLS_REQUIRED by default Marked as found in versions courier/0.53.3-5. > reassign 691507 src:courier 0.65.0-3 Bug #691507 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Please clarify description in regards to TLS Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.65.0-3. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #691507 to the same values previously set Bug #691507 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Please clarify description in regards to TLS Marked as found in versions courier/0.65.0-3. > reassign 705925 src:courier 0.68.2-1 Bug #705925 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: fails to bind on ipv6 address "::" (error imapd-ssl: bind: Address already in use) Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.68.2-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #705925 to the same values previously set Bug #705925 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: fails to bind on ipv6 address "::" (error imapd-ssl: bind: Address already in use) Marked as found in versions courier/0.68.2-1. > reassign 710371 src:courier 0.68.2-1 Bug #710371 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Use of STARTTLS should be indicated on "imapd: LOGIN" line Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.68.2-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #710371 to the same values previously set Bug #710371 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Use of STARTTLS should be indicated on "imapd: LOGIN" line Marked as found in versions courier/0.68.2-1. > reassign 765739 src:courier 0.73.1-1.5 Bug #765739 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: POODLE workaround breaks startup Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.73.1-1.5. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #765739 to the same values previously set Bug #765739 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: POODLE workaround breaks startup Marked as found in versions courier/0.73.1-1.5. > reassign 215038 src:courier 1.7.3-10 Bug #215038 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Comments in /etc/courier/imap-ssl are out of place relative to the options they describe Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions 1.7.3-10. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #215038 to the same values previously set Bug #215038 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Comments in /etc/courier/imap-ssl are out of place relative to the options they describe The source 'courier' and version '1.7.3-10' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/1.7.3-10. > reassign 228372 src:courier 1.7.3-11 Bug #228372 [courier-imap-ssl] no error message given when attempting to use expired imap cert Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions 1.7.3-11. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #228372 to the same values previously set Bug #228372 [src:courier] no error message given when attempting to use expired imap cert The source 'courier' and version '1.7.3-11' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/1.7.3-11. > reassign 305707 src:courier Bug #305707 [courier-imap-ssl] imapd-ssl: 1 active connections. not ignored Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #305707 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #305707 to the same values previously set > reassign 926950 src:courier 0.78.0-2 Bug #926950 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Courier IMAP and POP SSL packages have opposite cache files Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions courier/0.78.0-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #926950 to the same values previously set Bug #926950 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Courier IMAP and POP SSL packages have opposite cache files Marked as found in versions courier/0.78.0-2. > reassign 113176 src:courier Bug #113176 [courier-imap-ssl] courior-imap-ssl: /etc/ssl/certs Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #113176 to the same values previously set Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #113176 to the same values previously set > reassign 314775 src:courier 3.0.8-4 Bug #314775 [courier-imap-ssl] courier-imap-ssl: Allow TLS port without no-TLS port (by default) Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions 3.0.8-4. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #314775 to the same values previously set Bug #314775 [src:courier] courier-imap-ssl: Allow TLS port without no-TLS port (by default) The source 'courier' and version '3.0.8-4' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/3.0.8-4. > reassign 474282 src:courier 4.3.1-1 Bug #474282 [courier-imap, courier-imap-ssl] [courier-imap] please provide extra info in "we dont use /etc/default/courier" anymore Warning: Unknown package 'courier-imap-ssl' Bug reassigned from package 'courier-imap, courier-imap-ssl' to 'src:courier'. No longer marked as found in versions 4.3.1-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #474282 to the same values previously set Bug #474282 [src:courier] [courier-imap] please provide extra info in "we dont use /etc/default/courier" anymore The source 'courier' and version '4.3.1-1' do not appear to match any binary packages Marked as found in versions courier/4.3.1-1. > reassign 870745 src:libreoffice 1:5.4.0-1 Bug #870745 [libreoffice-style-galaxy] libreoffice-style-galaxy: Missing checkboxes and button icons Warning: Unknown package 'libreoffice-style-galaxy' Bug reassigned from package 'libreoffice-style-galaxy' to 'src:libreoffice'. No longer marked as found in versions libreoffice/1:5.4.0-1. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #870745 to the same values previously set Bug #870745 [src:libreoffice] libreoffice-style-galaxy: Missing checkboxes and button icons Marked as found in versions libreoffice/1:5.4.0-1. > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 1009895: 113176: 150781: 170726: 215038: 215070: 228372: 239199: 273332: 276443: 278993: 287121: 305707: 314775: 317898: 336136: 364450: 385006: 387784: 398866: 408865: 425769: 426062: 428377: 443366: 447704: 474282: 482377: 508067: 517462: 520469: 537583: 570136: 576617: 588794: 593641: 603342: 604422: 621712: 624496: 625739: 632703: 638322: 640923: 641936: 651780: 652516: 658793: 668539: 679585: 691507: 694340: 704221: 705925: 710371: 714147: 715875: 729154: 754397: 765739: 766634: 771051: 774267: 776157: 788067: 793184: 793341: 815100: 820775: 822332: 828920: 841137: 854564: 854571: 864514: 865422: 866591: 870745: 871936: 874577: 876410: 879849: 881131: 881132: 888264: 892910: 910034: 926950: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems