
is the bug #355721 a compiler bug? I've inspected the program with
valgrind, but couldn't find any clue of a bug in the code.

I've took a look on it with gdb and this is the code after the return:

here the return value 0 gets loaded:

<crm_expr_markov_classify+10748>:    li      r9,0
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10752>:    addis   r7,r31,5
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10756>:    stw     r9,-10184(r7)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10760>:    addis   r7,r31,5
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10764>:    lwz     r0,-10184(r7)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10768>:    mr      r3,r0
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10772>:    lwz     r11,0(r1)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10776>:    lwz     r0,4(r11)

here the return address register gets overwritten:

<crm_expr_markov_classify+10780>:    mtlr    r0
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10784>:    lwz     r27,-36(r11)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10788>:    lwz     r28,-32(r11)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10792>:    lwz     r29,-28(r11)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10796>:    lwz     r31,-20(r11)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10800>:    lfd     f30,-16(r11)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10804>:    lfd     f31,-8(r11)
<crm_expr_markov_classify+10808>:    mr      r1,r11

and here the SIGSEG raises:

<crm_expr_markov_classify+10812>:    blr

The sigseg raises at the end of a really big function (~1500 line of code)
which alloces heavily locale variables. Is it possible gcc overwrites
neccessary data within the function while calling a subfunction?

The sigseg does not occur (with the message used in the bug report, but
with another mail) when I remove the last parameter of the sprintf call
in crm_markovian.c:2078

sprintf (buf, 
        "#%ld (%s):"\
        " features: %ld, hits: %ld, prob: %3.2e,\n", 

I find this really, really confusing. What can I do to catch this bug?

Kind regards, Jörg.
Wer eher stirbt ist länger tot.
                                                (Un B. Kant)

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