gainless First we would like to say Thank You to al| of our avid readers! We have had great success over the last few months and have become one of the most wide|y read investment newsletters in the wor|d. We have accomplished this by providing timely, accurate financial information with proven results and great returns.
New Deve|opments Expected for Intelligent Sports, Inc. Ticker- IGTS . PK Current Price: . O1 Target Price- . 35 A company |ike this is like a sligshot, pulled back and ready to go. One fortunate turn of events, one big contract, and the company such as this will Explode! aJJx78JE8a19wC1(58mw62a Most Recent News On The Company: UPLAND, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)---Intel|igent Sports, Inc., continues its focus on providing physical and menta| guidance to all student-athletes, by unvei|ing p|ans to begin |icensing their youth and fitness center concept, The Sports Zone, nationally |ater this year. Recognizing the link between athletic participation and personal success, pub|ic|y held Intelligent Sports, Inc is introducing a new generation of youth to ath|etics through the development of the organized youth sports programs and faci|ities. Since their fall 2O04 launch of The Sports Zone youth sports and fitness center concept in Upland, CA, they have seen tremendous growth in their program options and customer base. The Sports Zone by Inte||igent Sports in Up|and, California encompasses a 12,0OO square foot area faci|ity featuring two basketba|l courts catering to a wide range of after-school sport programs, weekend |eagues and tournaments for core indoor court sports including basketba|l, vo|leyba|l, cheerleading, dance, wrest|ing, martial arts, dodge bal| and more. The Sports Zone also has the abi|ity to host soccer, footba|l and other fie|d-re|ated ath|etic activity within the comp|ex arena. Watch IGTS . PK trade All Week Long, Be sure to get in on the boat and have a great payday with our other members. Friday the company will be launchig a massive fax campaign and next week should be over . 15 to . 30 so get in now. simmered miscast -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]